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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Heh, I feel for Mr. Schostak (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jul 20, 2011 at 01:07:24 PM EST
    I really do.  He's spot on right in what he's saying.  Especially this part:

    "What's amazing is that Debbie Stabenow is oblivious to the pain and suffering the Obama policies have caused for Michigan's working parents," he said. "Now Stabenow supports higher taxes, greater borrowing, and out-of-control federal spending. Senator Stabenow, we ask: Where are all the jobs, the balanced budget, and the long-term recovery?"

    I agree.  Then I take a gander at what just popped into my inbox from Newsmax on the McConnell-Reid $1 Trillion in new taxes plan...

    Just look at what GOP Senators are saying. Obama is winning the war of attrition against these GOP Senators.

    Sen. Kelly Ayotte: "I think the vibe in the room was very positive."

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski: "I'm sure leaning that way towards supporting it."

    Sen. Scott Brown: "I think it's a really positive first step..."

    Sen. John Barrasso: "I'm very impressed. There's a lot of support in there."

    Sen. Tom Coburn: "In the next 24 hours, you are going to see a significant portion of the Senate come behind this, bipartisan..."

    Sen. Mike Johanns: "This is a very thoughtful, serious plan."

    Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison: "I think it's a fair compromise."

    Sen. Susan Collins: "This group deserves enormous credit for coming up with a serious deficit-reduction plan with bipartisan support."

    Sen. Johnny Isakson: "It was a good meeting" and the plan has "got a lot of merit."

    Sen. Saxby Chambliss: "We were very pleased with the reaction."

    Sen. Mike Crapo: "I think the Senate is ready to look to a very large plan and a big piece of the solution."

    [John McRINOs buddy] Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I): "The feeling in the room was `embrace.'...Sign me up...I think it could get 60 votes."

    Mr. Schostak, with friends like those...

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