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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Now we're getting somewhere. (none / 0) (#31)
    by KG One on Mon Aug 29, 2011 at 10:48:49 AM EST
    If you've actually read everything I wrote, you should've caught the part where I also said that we don't clear out cities of their residents while the EFM does their job. People stay where they are at.

    Now here are my recommendations:

    Replace Roy Roberts and get someone a little more effective. He's doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Since he's an at-will employee, this part will be very easy.

    If you've actually read my other post, you should know that it's plainly obvious that students cannot be taught if they are in an environment in which they cannot learn. Which district had the highest number of entries of underperforming schools again?

    You can start by having the new DPS EFM addressing the immediate problem. All of the students that have been a continual discipline issues, or have have attended a only a certain grade level for a period of time should be expelled immediately. No ifs, ands or buts.

    Testing. Students must achieve a passing grade on their standardized tests which will be administered and monitored by outside parties (We don't want this happening in Michigan). If they do not, then no student shall be socially promoted. This practice has gone on for long enough. They will also fall into the above category.

    And with grades, I'd recommend doing some digging into who has been assigning passing grades to students who have failed to earn them. This is going to be the toughest thing yet, because of the amount of finger-pointing and denial. At the very least, everyone responsible for grade manipulation should be fired. Jail time would be preferable.

    Schools can be closed and staffs can be right-sized by just implementing those items above.

    For those students expelled, have Maura Corrigan turn DHS/CPS loose on their parents. Providing that you can find them, and have them can explain why their children are on a first-name basis with the judge at juvi? Why they took no interest in their children inability to read or write? They have no problem call in a SWAT Team to pump some dangerous drug into a teenager, investigating genetic donors pretending to be parents should be a cake-walk for them.

    Now lets look at the other side of the equation.

    You guys have already addressed benefits and going after the MEA in retaliation for Rep. Scott's recall, so that's taken care of. But there's much more that can be done.

    The last actual "real" audit I could find from DPS was in '09. During that time, shady deals and "ghost employees" were turned up. Time for a new one to be performed.

    I'm not questioning Robb Bobb on this, just the people underneath him.

    Given that corruption is hard written into the DNA of most of Detroit "leadership", it'll be interesting to see what turns up. I'm laying odds that something will.

    This time, after that audit is complete, you need to let AG Schuette off of his chain and going after all of the "irregularities" found, be they Superintendents, Board Members, Administrators or anyone in a position to misuse money. Residents need to see these people on the Five 'O Clock News being led away in handcuffs. The more the better.

    Since I don't recall seeing any arrests made during those earlier real estate deals. That would also be something to go after.

    So there you have it. A solution that contains and addresses the problem within the boundaries of Detroit and DOES NOT adversely affect the students in the surrounding school districts.


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