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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Leave it to you to go searching for the eggshell (none / 0) (#6)
    by JGillman on Fri Mar 23, 2012 at 06:55:20 AM EST
    in the omelet.

    I am making a point.  Because it is not as sharp as the tip of your skull zippy, you can pretend your response means something.

    Frankly, the truly needy get screwed by the libs EVERY SINGLE day, because resources that would help make whole, a day or a week of living is wasted on those who do not need it.  Because of liberal spending in areas not of our business, we have an entire class of entitleds who aren't really needy. College students are a great place to start.  I know of a lot of folks who held down multiple jobs while going to college.

    I was one of them.  Never had a student loan, free stuff, food stamps while there, and my health care was a $200 bill to get a piece of metal removed from my eye which I paid.

    As you age, and hopefully gain SOME wisdom, you may see it.  However the indoctrination you have already been exposed to is far too tolerant of stupidity.


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