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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Will it matter? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Mon Jul 09, 2012 at 08:26:17 PM EST
    I doubt this will help much but let me vent.

    I fear this is an albatross that will forever weigh heavily on the backs of the American people.  While I would sleep better having confidence in Americans to elect enough Senators and an uninspiring Romney to repeal this disastrous law, when it gets right down to it, I fear too many people like the idea of getting free shit to turn the tide.

    Now, free shit only exists in my neighbors feedlot, but many of the people within the circles that I travel understand economics with about as much expertise as they understand quantum physics.  Obama and friends have done a masterful job vilifying the rich while managing to shoulder nearly half of the population with the yoke of victimhood.  

    Rich job providers are nothing more than the greedy kulaks of the old Soviet state.  Back in those days and in that worker's paradise, a farmer could be executed or forced into the gulag for employing another person.  Today they might not be forced into prison, but they are going to pay their fair share by God!

    The AHA is little more than a rewrapped socialist scheme that cannot and will not do what it has been purported to do--lower health care costs and make it more affordable.  

    Affordability in health care cannot be achieved with more regulations, more commissions, and more central control.  The AHA is designed to squelch competition while it forces employers and the poor to flock onto the examination table of Dr. Pelosi.  This is not cost cutting legislation (as it has been sold) that will heap new benefits on the masses, but a benefits capping legislation that the laws of economics will soon reveal.

    While there is still hope and I am using every ounce of the hope that I have available to me, there are too many free gifts being promised to the ignorant among us to make this upcoming election anything but certain.  Romney could very well win the upcoming election and try to fulfill his promise to repeal the very health care act his advisers helped to design, but with insufficient Senators to go along with him he will not be able to get it done.  Of course, while I do think Romney will win in a 55-45 kind of way, his election isn't a guarantee either.

    Thanks for helping to further expose this particular lie to those of us sitting nervously in the choir.  Now we have to get this message out to those sitting in the pews.

    I feel better.  I guess it did help.

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