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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Move Over New Orleans, New Mexico Has a Real Weather Tragedy

    By Jake Davison, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 11, 2007 at 06:08:56 PM EST
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    This is a time of great sadness for our nation. You may have already heard the news. New Mexico, indeed, the entire southwest, has (only recently) been struck by drought. In fact, it is not too much of a stretch to describe New Mexico as "a desert."

    "I believe the Western states and Eastern states have not been talking to each other when it comes to proper use of our water resources. I want a national water policy. We need a dialogue between states to deal with issues like water conservation, water reuse technology, water delivery and water production. States like Wisconsin are awash in water."   -- Gov. Bill Richardson (D-New Mexico)

    I must have missed the news about New Mexico being forced to drain the water hazards of their 98 golf courses. Surely only an emergency such as this would prompt Gov. Richardson to ask for our help. And by ask, I mean accuse the BIG WATER INTERESTS (Michigan, Wisconsin, etc.) of refusing to "talk" to him about "proper use" of water resources.

    Nothing is more tragic than record low water hazard levels. We in Michigan need to be compassionate about the challenges of DESERT states. It can't be easy keeping DESERT Lakes Golf Course green -- especially IN A DESERT.

    We must act fast before the drought extends to New Mexico's neighbor Arizona, which has 300 golf courses.

    Just a warning, Governor - you may be on the receiving end of a monologue before you get your dialogue.

    < Portrait of a Tax Hiker: Kate Ebli (D - Frenchtown Township) | Democrats continue to call Michigan worthless while tax-hikers enter cross-hairs >

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    Bring it up when he comes here... (none / 0) (#1)
    by RightMacomb on Thu Oct 11, 2007 at 08:08:45 PM EST
    Oh wait, I forgot.  He's one of those Democratic Presidential candidates that doesn't want any Michigan votes.  We will have to remember this one when he want's to be Hillary's VP candidate.

    Drought my ass (none / 0) (#2)
    by gun totin wacko on Fri Oct 12, 2007 at 11:17:47 AM EST
    I'm sitting in Albuquerque right now.  I water the trees in the back yard 4 days a week, using either the hose or rainwater which is collected in barrels for that purpose.

    I haven't used the hose in about 2 weeks.  And I don't expect to use it until Monday at the earliest.

    But then, my sister (whose house I'm watching) deliberately didn't plant grass.  Because it needs to be watered often, especially in a desert environment.  Amazing how that works.

    Oh, and the number of people moving down here every month- think that could play a role?

    I've been told (and I don't know whether it's actually true) that the Colorado river no longer reaches the coast.  It supposedly just slows to a trickle somewhere in Mexico, and eventually disappears in the middle of the desert somewhere.  Why?  Because of excessive use upstream.  Too many people using the river for their needs (like grass on golf courses) eventually takes all the water out.


    Ignore this moron.  Yes, there's less water here than in the Great Lakes Region (side note: was saying that Wisconsin is "awash" in water A Really Clever Remark, or was it more evidence of stupidity?), but that's not the fault of Michigan.  Not even the fault of George Bush.

    I'm floored.  

    New Mexico... (none / 0) (#3)
    by John Galt on Fri Oct 12, 2007 at 01:09:15 PM EST
    Also has a Democrat Governor.  

    I'm seeing a pattern between Tragedy and Democrat-leadership forming here.

    Does anyone find it a bit hypocritical... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Sat Oct 13, 2007 at 11:38:04 AM EST
    ...that our illustrious governor complains about the federal goverment suppossedly knowing best, yet has no issue with claiming that state government knows best by ramming tax hikes down our throat?

    Richardson's comments drew an angry response from Governor Jennifer Granholm. When WZZM 13 asked for her response Thursday, Granholm said, "Hell No. That's my response. This is exactly why we need someone in the White House who understands Michigan's concerns. The minute someone starts talking about a national water policy, watch your lakes. That's all I can say."


    As for New Mexico's water "problem", an old trucker offered me this piece of sage advice that is very appropo right about now: " Stupidity should be painful."

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