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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Macomb GOP Drops Ball

    By John Galt, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 16, 2007 at 11:28:15 AM EST
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    Jennifer Granholm was recently in Clinton Township, speaking with her chums at the local Michigan Education Association (MEA) union headquarters.

    Where was the local Macomb GOP volunteers to put up the fight?  Nowhere in sight.  Not a peep from the peanut gallery.

    In Granholm's discussion with the MEA, she discussed how "she" doesn't want to cut the schools budget.  SHe's the warrior for education in Michigan!

    But where was our local arm of the Republican Party?  Where was the team to offer the "right" view point?  Crickets from the peanut gallery on Van Dyke.  Not a single person from the Macomb GOP was in front of the MEA offices on Garfield to protest Two-Penny Jenny's tax increase plan.

    Is it apathy?  Did the Macomb GOP just happen to agree with Two-Penny Jenny?  No.  The sad truth is that the County Party did not organize anything to put up a fight.  Our local county party is rolling over and letting the Granholm be the single mouthpiece.

    What makes this even worse is that Leon Drolet, former Republican State Representative.... current County Commissioner, and head of the Michigan Taxpayer Alliance is a member of the Macomb GOP.  And an organized leader on the fight against higher taxes.

    And yet we couldn't get people together to yell at the Governor and sell our point of view.  We deserve better from the GOP in michigan's third largest (and growing) county.

    < Dillon abandoned negotiations, wouldn't answer cell phone | BREAKING: Granholm tells doctors, 'raise taxes I'll close schools and kill people' >

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    were there any efforts (4.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Nick on Wed May 16, 2007 at 11:40:08 AM EST
    to get things organized?  Did you make any calls personally?  I'm not calling you out, I'm just asking.

    Action always starts with one person, you know?  And if I know anything about Jim Caribelli over in Macomb County, he's not afraid of a fight. :)

    Neither is Leon, for that matter.  I love the passion and the drive.  Use that, man.  Use it.  Keep your eyes on the prize and your ears to the ground.  The next time someone's coming through give them a hand and help them get something going.  Be the man.

    You're 100% right, we've got to provide that alternative voice.  To call what's good good and what's bad bad.  To make sure the tax-and-spenders don't get away with robbing us blind, or with lying their way to their goals.  

    On The Ball (4.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Jake Davison on Wed May 16, 2007 at 02:34:34 PM EST
    If you're referring to the 5/8/07 Selweski article, looks like Rep. Meltzer did great by attending and getting in the article.


    State Rep. Kim Meltzer, a Clinton Township Republican who attended Monday's gathering, said the governor has resorted to marketing techniques by ignoring government's growing health care and pension costs while repeatedly calling for more "revenues."

    "I told her that 'revenue enhancement' for you is a tax increase for me," said Meltzer, who opposes tax hikes.

    As for Drolet, 5/8/07 was the day before the Michigan Taxpayer's Alliance got incredible earned media on Detroit TV (by far the biggest single prize in Michigan earned media). Maybe Drolet was too busy organizing volunteers or pitching reporters. He also targeted one of the most vulnerable Dem House districts (Corriveau).

    nice work, Jake (4.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Nick on Wed May 16, 2007 at 02:39:52 PM EST
    thanks for the update.

    I agree. (4.00 / 1) (#6)
    by snoopygirlmi on Thu May 17, 2007 at 02:25:46 PM EST
    It's really kind of sad how pathetic the GOP is out here. Considering how many people live here there really shouldn't be a problem getting people information about this type of event.

    You can argue that something is a lot better than nothing; however, the only reason why Meltzer was there is because she represents part of Clinton Township. That was her role and she did it well.

    However, you can't just point to one Republican and say we have a "presence" in the community.  That's really misleading.  

    Macomb GOP Drops the Ball (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by Michael Arsenault on Fri May 18, 2007 at 11:30:04 AM EST
    To quote the fictional John Galt, "If a man is to live on Earth, it is right for him to use his mind, it is right to "act on his own free judgment", it is right to work for his values..."
    John Galt, why didn't you organize a protest at the Governor Granholm/MEA meeting?  I am sure that if members of the MCRP were made aware, they would have shown up.  Contacts would have been made available to you for this effort.  
    I am not going to say that we should not have been there or that it wouldn't have mattered anyway.  We missed an opportunity.  We will have to work harder on that.  
    Apathy. No. The MCRP is involved and energized.  Jim Carabelli is an extremely involved and engaged chairman.  He works hard for the party and in the 10 years that I have known him, he has never backed down from any fight.  
    John Galt, if you truly believe that the current leadership of the MCRP is weak or apathetic, get involved and help make a change. Hard work does not go unnoticed.  If you choose to stay disengaged, change your moniker and write for the other side.  We don't need people to complain about the situation without a willingness to help change it.
    snoopygirlmi, it can all start with the presence of 1 person.  Try being that person and see.

    Actually, I am active in the party here... (none / 0) (#9)
    by snoopygirlmi on Fri May 18, 2007 at 07:48:13 PM EST
    so the idea that I should "try it sometime" is moot.  For years, I've been the lone declared Republican among my friends, so I'm used to being in that role in most of my non-political social circles.  Really, it's not a new role for me.  

    Honestly, I don't feel passionately about this issue to spearhead a campaign over it. Like everyone else, I have other obligations and I have to pick and choose my activities carefully because I only have 24 hours in a day and the technology still hasn't been developed so I can be cloned.

    That being said,I did have the expectation that some of our leaders, after making a huge deal about how having a county executive would be pure evil, would step up and take the lead on something that they seemed to be passionate about when they spoke on this topic.  The fact that they haven't been outspoken in the press and other forums really bothers me-especially after their speeches about how it's going to be a disaster for the county.

    Maybe I shouldn't have had that expectation; however, the fact is that I did and I'm disappointed now because I got the impression that these leaders were going to do more than what they are doing.  I guess I shouldn't have expected so much from people who want to be our "leaders"????  

    We all have expectations that don't get met at times, then we complain about, then get over it.  I'm just working my way towards getting over it. But now that I'm in the complaining stage, I'm going to complain.  

    • Complaining by Michael Arsenault, 05/19/2007 12:42:49 PM EST (none / 0)
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