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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Democrat Mayor in Michigan sentenced after breaking the law... and Kwame's in more trouble too

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 07:15:30 AM EST
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    The Kwame soap opera keeps churning along as news coverage and reaction to Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's elicit, text-message captured relationship with his Chief of Staff come flooding in from around the country and already some prominent folks in the mainstream press are calling for the Mayor's head.  He shouldn't just face perjury charges, they reason.  That'd be lightweight.  He needs to resign too.

    We'll see.  

    But first, just in the nick of time, the Hizzoner has a little company on the mayoral naughty list this morning.  Wilmer Jones Ham McZee (phwew... deep breath...), the Mayor of Saginaw from 2001 through 2005 and the Mayor-Pro-Tem from that point through 2007 was sentenced yesterday for trying to get over on the insurance company by torching her car.  The Associated Press reports:

    Authorities had accused the 57-year-old of burning her 1986 Mercedes-Benz in 2006, then making a false insurance claim. A jury last month acquitted her acquitted her of arson but convicted her of insurance fraud -- a four-year felony.

    A Saginaw County judge sentenced her Thursday to probation, fined her $1,000 and ordered her to pay $1,400 in costs and $827 in restitution.

    See?  You're distracted now, aren't you?  Democrat elected officials committing arson and insurance fraud are an engaging subject.  No?  You still want to hear more about the Hip Hop Mayor and his Chief of Staff?  Figured.  I guess Saginaw isn't quite the news draw that Detroit's always been.  Something about it being the one city that's synonymous with the State of Michigan, the biggest population center in the State and the city that put the world on wheels.

    Suppose we can add one more descriptor to the list now.  Detroit, Michigan.  The home of Text-Gate.  Kilpatrick at one time may have been most famous as the inspiration of a Chris Rock movie character in the film Head of State.  Now he's just a cheap rip off artist stealing Bill Clinton's best work.  But unlike Clinton during the Monica Lewinski scandal the liberal media doesn't exactly have Kwame's back.  

    Read on...

    In fact, one of Michigan's most prominent liberal journalists, Brian Dickerson at the Detroit Free Press, is already calling for Kwame's head.  Symbolically.

    (Kilpatrick and Beatty) should make at least a symbolic effort to reimburse the taxpayers whose millions they squandered on their spectacularly unsuccessful cover-up.

    Finally -- there is, in the end, no honorable alternative -- they must resign their public offices...

    Ultimately, the star-crossed lovers will have to cop pleas. And although they may escape prison time, it's hard to fathom how either could reasonably expect to continue in the offices they've so brazenly abused.

    I know that few Detroiters will welcome my suburban kibitzing. Some may even suspect I take pleasure in Kilpatrick's tragedy -- as if talented politicians grew on trees, and the loss of one more dynamic African-American leader were of no great consequence.

    But the promise that was Kwame Kilpatrick is all but spent now, his self-destruct mission nearly finished.

    Suppose time's going to tell whether the Mayor heads Dickerson's advice.  And I think he's probably right, but it kicks my backside to admit it.  I've said it before, I genuinely like Kwame Kilpatrick.  I know that's supposed to be some sort of sacrilege for anyone outside the city limits to admit but he's a cat with a giant Navigator worth of charisma, often times surprisingly common sense politics and the political nerve to oppose the party line.  Sadly, none of that matters anymore.  

    The Ivory Tower reports that he and his family cut short a trip to Florida yesterday to get back to the city to deal with the scandal.  Can a resignation be far behind?  

    And I can't help but wonder what Jennifer Granholm thinks.  

    Hopefully she's more concerned with the home assessment numbers coming out of the metro Detroit region than the text messages coming out of the Mayor's office.  Because they aren't good either.  The Detroit News reports:

    Eight communities in the region saw double-digit drops, including Grosse Pointe Park and Grosse Pointe Woods. Only two communities -- Fenton and Royal Oak Township -- actually saw slight increases. For the counties and municipalities, the declining values will mean flat revenues, a trend likely to continue into 2009 and possibly 2010, said Steve Mellen, the equalization director for Macomb County.

    And the drops in residential values mirror declines in other classes of property: industrial, commercial and agricultural. There were small gains in personal property.

    "We're looking at (at) least two years for the tax system to recover," (Macomb County Equalization Director Steve) Mellen said. He's already told county officials, who are in negotiations with many of the county's employee unions, that they'll "be lucky" to collect as much in 2009 as they do this year.

    In English?  Home owners are often going to be paying more for homes with declining values while local governments feel the cash pinch.  Meaning the calls will start, oh, yesterday, demanding revenue sharing increases.  Hey, maybe the House Democrats can schedule another lame-duck vote to raise one tax or another just to quiet the municipalities.  I mean, if they're willing to raid our wallets to make the road builders happy... local governments can be a lot louder and a lot angrier than MITA members, Andy.  Better be ready.

    < 35 Years of Roe & Counting. . . | Friday in the Sphere, January 25 >

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    OK, Saginaw may be... (none / 0) (#1)
    by rdww on Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 08:44:55 AM EST
    ... a road show for the real Democratic mayoral mess in Motown, but did anyone catch the news coverage of Mayor Ms. McZee's sentencing hearing yesterday?  She turned her statement into an extended rant against the prosecutors, the court, the media, etc., who were all picking on her.  It was a textbook victimology speech.

    Let me get this straight... (none / 0) (#3)
    by Ed Burley on Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 01:40:21 PM EST
    If a Democrat holding executive office has an affair with someone else in the office, and then lies about it, they should resign? Is that right? They should resign? That's what the Free Press is calling for? This is what they are going to investigate in the Prosecutor's office?

    Where are all the cries against "wasting taxpayer's dollars" in investigating this stuff? Whining about how it will keep the Mayor from his "important duties"?

    Are they planning on bringing in Ken Starr on this one? I'd be interested to know.


    I'll take that bet. (none / 0) (#7)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 05:27:45 PM EST
    I would be willing to bet that if it at all looks like Thugmaster K is going to be indicted, good ole'Governor Granlarceny will warm up the pardon pen and make it all better for hizzhonor. Any takers?

    And the latest... (none / 0) (#9)
    by rdww on Fri Jan 25, 2008 at 07:42:06 PM EST
    ... buzz phrase for Kwame's troubles...

    "I did not have textual relations with that woman!"

    This is..... (none / 0) (#13)
    by nickburns480 on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 11:19:22 PM EST
    fantastic!  Novi, chances are your money paided for the fancy spanktastic trips to Denver, NY, Florida, etc.  While he was in Florida this past week with family, he was scheduled to speak in DC at a Mayors Convention. Detroiters and workers that pay Detroit taxes paid for this Florida trip.  Even better!  DNC instant classic.  Another true lib winner.  However, like all libs do, blame bush, republicans, and use the race card.

    Perjury (none / 0) (#19)
    by Dutchsma on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 12:47:54 PM EST
    Don't forget to mention the most important point that Novi and other Democrats want to gloss over or sweep under the rug:  Rudy did not lie under oath in order to save his backside.  Bill Clinton did.  Kwame Kilpatrick did.

    Shhhh..... (none / 0) (#27)
    by nickburns480 on Thu Jan 31, 2008 at 11:45:42 AM EST
    Its ok Novi.  Let's keep it real ya!  Real dumb!Detroits own Hip Hop Mayor is a public official, elected to a second term, taking wild vacations all on the taxpayer dollar.  Ok Rudy did this ok I know I know.  Turn the tables, however, its obivious a poor black democrat in a majority poor city filled with poverity, abandon builds, streets falling apart, DPW non repair of street, lights street sign missing sold for scrap, active business strip of copper piping and romex for scrap (krunk gym for example), high auto thefts.... I could go on.  The fact is he spent your money on his marital affairs, 9 million on the lawsuit about his security detail, secret trips, city paid vacations, the kiss me I'm sorry Lincoln Navigator for his wife, wild parties, heck he was getting his freak on on Martin Luther King, Jr. day!  I don't think you can compare Rudy's New York record to Detroits own Hip Hop Mayor record.

    • Rudy defender? by NoviDemocrat, 02/01/2008 12:22:45 PM EST (none / 0)
      • not at all by nickburns480, 02/01/2008 04:04:47 PM EST (none / 0)
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