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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Jingle bells, economy smells, Lansing laid an egg

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 06:54:01 AM EST
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    Morning.  Are you awake?  Are you sitting down?  Are you ready to have an icy cold glass of water splashed in your face?  Ah, well, yes or no, here it comes...

    Remember a few years back when there was this really successful business guy running for governor here in the state of Michigan on a platform of job creation and dramatic reforms in the way they do things in Lansing... and how the people of Michigan, in our infinite wisdom, decided Jennifer Granholm and John Cherry were handling the economy juuuust fine?  So much for that.

    Michigan's economy, ranked 49th or 50th in the United States, depending on the month, has been hemorrhaging jobs for the last six years but there's nothing like a pink slip in your stocking at the holidays.  And we're not just talking the auto industry here (although they're back in the news AGAIN today with the third round of fresh job cuts in the last three days... we'll get there...).

    The Grand Rapids Press reports this morning that nearly 1,000 moms and dads in west Michigan are getting some awfully bad news this week.

    Zeeland-based Herman Miller on Tuesday said it will cut 400 to 650 jobs through job cuts, layoffs and buyouts -- mainly in West Michigan -- through January.

    Between 200 and 400 hourly workers could be laid off and about 250 white-collar jobs are to be eliminated. Herman Miller has about 4,500 employees in West Michigan.

    Grand Rapids-based Steelcase, which employs about 4,700 workers in the area, was to send out announcements today to 300 hourly employees about possible layoffs within 60 days.

    I can see the "holiday" card now.

    Dear single mom of four,

    We're really sorry about that whole layoff thing during the holidays but you've got to understand, it's hard work keeping Lansing's budget this big and Big Labor happy.  

    Look on the bright side.  Now you can spend more time with your kids during this magical season, and when those bigger utility bills come your way (you're welcome, coincidentally) you now qualify for their financial assistance programs!

    Don't bother to thank us.  I'm on my way to DC to help the President-elect spread this sort of joy to the rest of the nation and when John Cherry runs for Governor next year he'll insist he had nothing to do with this at all.

    Tootles and Merry Christmas.

    Your BFF,

    Governor Granholm

    Read on...

    They wouldn't be able to print those fast enough.  They'd need 900 for the Grand Rapids area this week alone and that'd qualify as their light work.  Over on the east side of the state we have, for the third consecutive day, news of another sweeping round of jobs cuts.  The Ivory Tower reports:

    General Motors Corp. plans to cut at least 3,500 more salaried jobs in the next few months and could be forced to cut even more as it struggles to survive, a leading labor economist said Tuesday....

    "It's going to be a cold holiday season," said Sean McAlinden, chief economist at the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor.

    But again, in the spirit of optimism and that classic Granholm rah-rah-can-do attitude there's a flip side to that coin.  With fewer cars being produced there will be fewer cars on the street.  With fewer jobs in the state there will be fewer moms and dads leaving the house in the morning to go to work and driving home after the five o'clock whistle.  Less traffic, less congestion, and if the Michigan Department of Transportation's latest edict is as bone-headed a move as anyone with two brain-cells thinks it is, at least there'll be fewer folks risking life and limb on icy, neglected roads.

    According to the Detroit News, there are some dramatic cost cutting moves taking place this snowy season.  Might be time to break out the old snow tires, studs and chains.

    Under the (MDOT) directive, road commissions would give high priority to freeways, but would limit less traveled secondary roads to a single plowing and salting.

    "Basically, it's an effort to reduce overtime," said Bill Shreck, MDOT director of communications. "Once we get the roads passable, we don't want to be paying overtime on roads that aren't that heavily used, especially considering the rising cost of salt and fuel. We will keep working on freeways until we're down to bare pavement."

    Oh, well, at least they'll work on the freeways.  

    Just remember, this winter when you ditch your car on a Michigan road that hasn't been plowed or salted in days you can stay warm until help arrives, daydreaming about Dan Mulhern and his fulltime multi-person staff at the Office of the First Gentleman... or about the fancy new Michigan State Police Headquarters that the Michigan State Police said they didn't want... or about the bailout your tax dollars provided to an industry that pays its employees, on average, over $40 an hour more than the average Michigan worker overall.  

    See?  You even feel warm thinking about it right now.  Warm or hot under the collar... either way.

    < A quick thought re: reaction at Mount Hope | Wednesday in the Sphere, November 12 >

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    I'll help her (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 08:28:34 AM EST
    with her insistence that it's always someone else's fault. She can still say it's Engler's fault because if he hadn't left Michigan in the solid black column she wouldn't have had those resources to deal with in the first place.

    Yeah, I get it girlfriend. Goes somethin' like this:

    Jingle bells, granholm smells, egg is on her face, oh what fun it is to see, her leave our hurtin' state, ohhh...

    This would all be a bit funnier if it weren't so true.  

    Money (none / 0) (#2)
    by Ranger88 on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 10:41:50 AM EST
    If only I were blessed with money, I would run for office and look out!!! When will people wake up and get involved in what is happening in this state??? People, please take a moment and call your Reps and let them know how you feel. Please!!!

    Nick, I have an idea. (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 11:34:00 AM EST
    It is time to create the Michigan Misery Index. It would be based on the old Misery index that was created under Jimma Carter the male Jennifer Granholm. You will have to come up with a formula for figuring it out. Job loss, less spendable income because of increased taxation, Consumer confidence or lack thereof, length of waiting lists for moving vans. I am sure we can come up with some other pieces of the formula. What do you think? I also think that instead of the ticker on the MGOP givng the amount of taxes that have been forced from our pockets they should also have a running ticker of jobs that have been lost under this idiot.
    Note to Mike Cox. Heard you are thinking of running for Governor. As much as I like you Mike I will not support your candidicy. Lawyers make lousy Governors as we all have seen. We need a business mind with a pure understanding of economics.Somebody like a Mitt Romney.

    Yay! Labor Unions! (none / 0) (#4)
    by John Galt on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 02:05:18 PM EST
    400 hard working blue collar union jobs and 250 salary jobs.

    They'll be cutting union jobs bigtime with the Big 3.

    It must still be Engler, Bush and DeVos's fault the unions are feeling the pinch.  Look at how well Granholm has been able to expand their membership in 6 years.

    Despite how much it hurts the rest of the nation, maybe we could get her nominated for Secretary of Labor.  Think of the "bang up" job she could do there!

    Great idea (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 08:49:00 PM EST
    And Ron Give-them-the-finger can be assistant labor secretary. Wouldn't they make a lovely pair. One half of the Four Horseman of the Appcolypse.

    Not to fear... (none / 0) (#6)
    by rdww on Thu Nov 13, 2008 at 09:05:42 AM EST
    Gov. Granholm is now a member of the Obama Transition Team economic brain trust, so happy days will now be coming to the whole nation.

    Let's all do the Jenny Happy Dance!  JennyJennyJennnnnnnNY! JennyJennyJennnnnNY!

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