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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Tired of state government burning money?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 02:04:38 PM EST
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    A serious invitation.  The community here at Right Michigan is awesome for a lot of reasons and the blogging is only a small part of that.  We're all here because we care, because we and our families have experienced a variety of things and because we want to make a legitimate difference.

    Sure, we do a lot of talking but we do a lot of caring and walk the walk, too.  Its that will and that willingness to make a difference that makes me proud to be a part of this group.  You guys are awesome.  And here in Michigan the opportunities to make a real difference are maybe a little more abundant than we'd like.  No sense not tackling them, though.

    Case in point, another in a series of chronic budget deficits.  Back in 2007 the Granholm - Cherry administration and their Democratic pals in the state House promised us that $1.5 billion in new taxes would solve the budget problems that had afflicted the state for years.  No more one-time fixes, they promised, yet here we are only a year later with a budget deficit that could reach $1 BILLION in red ink and an administration refusing to make any but the most surface level cuts or reforms, hoping and praying that Barack Obama will give the state a one-time cash infusion... another one-time fix.

    If you're like me you've got a hard time believing that we've cut all of the waste from a $44 billion annual budget but the Democrats are 100% unwilling to even discuss possible savings and reform.

    Here's the challenge... readers here at Right Michigan represent the best and the brightest.  We've got moms and dads heading up their households, we've got blue collar workers, we've got white collar workers and managers, we've got state employees, we've got small business owners and big business Presidents and CEOs.

    Read on...

    What would YOU cut?  

    Over the next week or two we're going to collect advice and suggestions based on YOUR observations and personal experiences.  We'll collect them here in the comments section after this post and we'll collect them via email at RightMichigan@gmail.com.  

    We'll collect through close of business on Friday, December 19, 2008, I'll put everything we come up with together and I'll personally deliver it to our House GOP caucus and the Senate GOP Majority.

    Here's what we need... two areas...

    1) Big picture reforms: We're all amateur policy honks.  We all have ideas and suggestions and advice we'd love to give... suggestions that seem obvious to us but never get done.  What would you change about state government to make it run cheaper and more efficiently?

    Example-- The Office of the First Gentlemen is an abject waste of cash.  We could save $300,000 a year by eliminating it and asking the Goveror's husband to practice his Stuart Smiley impression at home.  

    2) Personal Experience: Do you own or operate or manage a business?  Have personal experiences in your job on the factory floor?  Is there something or somethings that the state government does or forces YOU or your employer or employees to do that you KNOW they could do more efficiently to save money?  What have YOU seen state government do that you know, personally, they could do better or cheaper?

    Example-- In order to operate, the State of Michigan requires LLCs and other businesses to renew their licenses and to pay a filing fee every year.   They could save serious cash on postage, paperwork and processing by allowing businesses the option to renew every-other year.

    That's a smaaaall scale example.  Some of you have experienced SERIOUS cash and regulation intensive headaches courtesy of Lansing.  What can they change?  

    What do YOU think?  

    Rack your brain a little, put some thoughts together and leave a post or shoot me an email.  Lets make sure the legislature knows where we're coming from and that we're paying attention.  We've got a voice here... we just have to use it.  And we can absolutely make a difference.

    < Go Green - Go White | GR Democrat Proposal: No jail for criminals if they say "sorry" >

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    Two cuts (none / 0) (#1)
    by dennislennox on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 02:42:39 PM EST
    1. We should privatize the rest areas alongside Michigan highways by selling them off, which will bring in much-needed cash as well as generally improve the quality and operation of the rest areas.

    2. Downsize the State Police by eliminating road patrols and transferring the savings to county sheriffs, who can, on average, put two deputies on the road for every state trooper.

    3. Abolish the Department of Civil Rights and transfer all of its duties, responsibilities, and authority to the Attorney General's Office.

    Pass MI House Joint Resolution "L" (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Ian on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 03:12:46 PM EST
    The national FairTax bill (ends gov't tax on income) is supported by people as diverse as Mike Gravel (D) and Mike Huckabee (R). Here in Michigan, we've crafted our own Michigan FairTax legislation. It stops penalizing productivity, stops hiding taxes in prices, and pays for government only as we purchase goods and services to meet family needs (w/o taxing anybody on their family spending at, or below, the poverty level).

    Pass the MI FairTax, and businesses and families will flock to Michigan in droves, broadening the tax base, and making Michigan become the No. 1 destination for business in the U.S.

    • The Fair Tax by Andrew, 12/08/2008 05:58:20 PM EST (none / 0)
    Easy cut (none / 0) (#4)
    by vapatsy on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 03:44:37 PM EST
    1. Cut the state House of Representatives. There is no need for a bicameral legislature.

    2. I got nothing

    Save Money? (none / 0) (#6)
    by Beerme on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 06:19:36 PM EST
    How about having State agencies do their purchasing from one source which will give the agencies a terrific deal because of the high volume? For instance, the Department of Corrections pays big bucks for their leased vehicles and I could easily negotiate better deals, especially when you consider the hundreds of vehicles that would be leased. This could be done with virtually hundreds of products that the state pays TOP dollar for and could easily pay less than the public, considering the volume purchased.

    State agencies purchase furniture and other items from the Michigan State Industries, a company that uses state inmates as a labor force and still charges a market price for their products. These workers make pennies per hour but the products are-in most cases-more expensive than comparable private enterprise offerings. These purchases are all but mandated for state agencies. Their ordered to purchase through MSI.

    There are many agencies that should be cut but it won't happen.

    Cut the unnecessary highly paid executives at some of the state agencies. If I'm not mistaken, the number of 17 level executives ($100K and above) in this state has doubled over the past ten years, while we've steadily cut the actual worker bees. None of these goofs ever loses a job; they're just shuffled over to another agency where a new position is created for them! A few choice FOIA requests would prove this true. Cut 'em!

    I guess that's enough for now but I'll be back with more...

    Increasing Wealth (none / 0) (#8)
    by Hershblogger on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 10:04:55 PM EST
    ...is the objective.

    To that end:

    1- Eliminate corporate taxes.

    2- Pass Right to Work legislation.

    3- Eliminate all corporate welfare and disband MEDC.

    easy partial solution to a multitude of problems (none / 0) (#11)
    by Chris Arndt on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 11:28:44 PM EST
    Sell Detroit (the land it sits on back) to the Native Americans.
    What's Price of Government status? (none / 0) (#13)
    by Wes Thorp on Tue Dec 09, 2008 at 01:32:06 PM EST
    A few years ago, the Michigan House of Representatives when the Republicans were in majority started to develop the state budget through a "Price of Government" process.

    If memory services me correctly, it was based on a book espousing principles to help the legislature make better and more informed decisions about spending.

    A couple of other states had used it successfully.  Michigan spent a bunch of money to implement it.

    And then it dropped out of sight.  There's been no mention and no buzz about it.

    I think former State Rep. Scott Hummell was its main advocate when he was House Approps chair.

    Anybody remember?  Did it just drop out of sight like a Sunday sermon?

    Well all righty than (none / 0) (#15)
    by irishduke on Tue Dec 09, 2008 at 05:00:19 PM EST
    There are some really decent proposals here.

    I would right off the bat put a freeze on the state budget spending for one year, on everything including EDUCATION. You than can tear through the budget and find what goes and what stays. Out of a 42 billion dollar budget there have to be some things that can be reduced or eliminated.  Than you start on reducing the tax burden on the state to start to attract some business and people back to this state other than filmmakers.

    Just my two cents

    Here's a few... (none / 0) (#17)
    by gnu2u on Wed Dec 10, 2008 at 10:40:58 PM EST

    1. Repeal the tax givebacks to Hollywood.  

    2. Renew driver's licenses every 10 years.

    3. Eliminate township government.  It really, really isn't necessary and would save taxpayers a boatload of money - especially in some of the less densely populated areas of the state. There are states that get by with counties as the smallest political subdivision and it works fine. It may mean a slightly larger county government, but in the long run it will save a lot of tax dollars.

    4. Get rid of the MEDC.  Pure politicalization of a free-market process.  

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