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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Al Sharpton has no use for Michigan

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Feb 13, 2008 at 10:48:27 AM EST
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    Add one more name to the growing list of prominent Democrats who don't care much for the State of Michigan.

    The Drudge Report has obtained a copy of a letter sent from everyone's favorite race-baiter and lefty hero Al Sharpton encouraging DNC Chairman Howard Dean to refuse to seat Michigan's national convention delegates.  

    Funnily enough, Sharpton attempts to approach the issue from a fairness angle.  Michigan voted out of turn, he reasons, and we have to pay the price.  It's only fair.  And so what if it disenfranchises millions of voters who participated in a legally administered and binding election while eradicating the concept of states rights and self determination?

    Some have said that not seating delegations from Florida and Michigan disenfranchises Democratic voters -- especially African American voters -- from those two states. That claim, if true, should have been made many months ago before the decision was made to strip these states of their delegates, and, once the decision was made, it should have been vigorously objected to and contested by those who felt it disenfranchised voters. To raise that claim now smacks of politics in its form most raw and undercuts the moral authority behind such an argument.

    Did a quick Google search and, curiously, Sharpton didn't seem to make a statement either way before Michigan's January 15th Presidential Primary.  There was certainly a lot of discussion about disenfranchisement.  Lots of talk about seating and not seating delegates.  Conversations about fairness.

    But in all that Sharpton was silent.  Interesting considering Sharpton opens his letter with this missive:

    I write this letter as a former Democratic candidate for President of the United States and a civil rights leader who has fought his entire life for fairness and justice for all people regardless of the color of their skin.

    Oops.  Done in by his own letter.  The man spells out the way the pursuit of justice should have played out but alas, his money wasn't then where his mouth is now.  Where were you Al?  Guess he'll have to amend any future statements and claim to 'fight for fairness and justice for all people except those people in Michigan in Florida.  To heck with them.'

    The funniest thing is that this letter is, at least on the surface, entirely unnecessary.  Dean has already pledged to strip all of Michigan's delegates.  He's already cancelled the block of hotel rooms that were once set aside for the Wolverine State's delegation.  He's given absolutely zero indication that his position was going to change or was in the least bit flexible.

    So what's Sharpton's angle?  Why send this letter now?

    Easy and obvious answer.  This is only the first shoe to drop.  This missive inserts him into the middle of the debate (something Sharpton's always been good at) and provides a springboard for him to demand a new round of voting in Michigan and Florida.  

    Watch for that other shoe to hit the floor in the form of a formal demand, 'in the interest of fairness and justice for disenfranchised voters,' that Michigan ignore formal, legally binding election results and hold a Democrat Party caucus where the Party bosses can pick Barack Hussein Obama over Hillary Clinton.  Never mind what that sort of demand would do to the concepts of law, order and democracy.  Don't like election results?  Just vote again until the sheep vote the way you want them to.  Because abandoning the democratic process would be in the interest of fairness and justice.  Comrade.

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    I have... (none / 0) (#1)
    by nickburns480 on Wed Feb 13, 2008 at 02:41:16 PM EST
    no idea what this guy stands for other than change.  Change what?  coats, socks, motor oil, oh wait I get it now.

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