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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Thug life, Godwin's Law, and the recall of Andy Dillon (Redux)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 10:09:05 AM EST
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    Son of a gun.  Guess I said something that got under their skin.  Again.  Our friends at that big liberal blog here in the State had a nifty little post yesterday responding to our update on House Speaker Andy Dillon's continuing refusal to turn over documents he'd promised Detroit's WDIV.  The man's office claims they can prove that all those taxpayer funded state employees they sent out to intimidate voters in Redford... in the middle of the day... were doing so on their own time but apparently those time slips got lost in the mail.  Or their fax machine broke.  Or their email is down.  Or, well, something.  Because the station's still waiting to see the "proof" they were promised.

    If you're a glutton for punishment you can check out our buddy's little rant here.

    Follows the basic lefty blog formula.  Insult, change the subject, ignore the facts, insult some more, toss in a splash of vitriol and off you go.

    Plenty of stuff in there about me being an idiot.  Which is pretty cool.  Apparently I don't know much of anything because a few days ago I said this:

    When it was all said and done mom and pop job providers were socked with a new "Michigan Business Tax" complete with a 22% surcharge.  On top of a spike in the income tax.  Because, apparently, when it rains tax hikes it has to pour.

    See, in their little world that actually reads "the MBT was a tax hike."  The MBT, of course, replaced the "job killing" SBT.  Seriously.  That's the big critique.  

    Didn't say it was a tax hike.  But whatever.  Facts.  Who needs them.  That 22% surcharge?  That's a tax hike.  So is the income tax hike.  Just like I said.  Good times.  And ironic much?

    The big accusation is that I don't do research.  I guess.  And that I don't call Republicans to the mat for supporting tax hikes.  Regular readers of the site may recall that I took considerable heat last year when I referred to the MBT as a replacement tax.  I took considerable heat from conservatives who considered it a tax hike.  I never discussed it in those terms because, well, by and large it isn't true.    

    Now that's not to say that there aren't cases where the MBT represented a tax hike.  There are plenty of businesses paying more under the MBT than they ever paid with the SBT.  But there's a flip side to that coin too.  And when the drown-the-government-in-the-bathtub types (to steal one of their favorite insults) claimed folks voting for the MBT were raising taxes I flatly disagreed.

    And folks like Ward, Garcia and Jelenik?  They won't even spit in my direction anymore.  The idea that I gave folks a pass... well, someone should have done their research.

    These particular insults are sort of akin to Mike Vick accusing me of killing puppies.  I don't kill puppies.  Guess if Mike wanted to say I did I couldn't stop him.  But could I at least introduce the pot to the kettle?

    The rest of the lefty piece talks about how a recall election is a waste of taxpayer dollars, how Leon is the devil and how the first person to drop the Hitler bomb loses (Godwin's Law).  All points of varying merit.  

    More than a little interesting, though, that the best they could muster was a single line about being "cool on" the concept of taxpayer funded voter intimidation (because an outright condemnation would have violated their don't-say-anything-bad-about-a-Democrat-EVER editorial policy), the subject of the post they were so interested in refuting.  And, for the record, a colossal misuse of tax dollars.  Which is highly inappropriate but apparently OK in this instance just not if you're trying to run a Constitutionally protected recall campaign.  (Consistency has never been their strong suit.)

    Leon being the devil?  I've never seen the horns but who can really tell?  

    But I'll give credit where credit's due.  I'm a big proponent of Godwin's Law myself.  I was first introduced to a specific construction of the concept back at GVSU in one of Kevin DenDulk's PLS classes and it's always made sense.  The words Hitler and Nazi are sort of like little nuclear bombs.  Yeah, sure, they'll do untold damage to your opponent but do you really want to be remembered as the guy who dropped the bomb?  Poisoned the environment?  Started a nuclear winter?  And do you really need THAT to win?  It's the only way you know how to prevail in the realm of ideas?  That's pretty pathetic, you know?

    Anyways, I did a little research (you like that, don't you?) and wouldn't you know it, this particular lefty blog has made no less than thirty-seven (37) nazi references and thirty-one (31) references to Hitler himself over the last couple of years.

    So.  Yeah.  Guess they lose.

    But hey, no hard feelings or anything.  It's like Tigers shortstop Edgar Renteria told the Boston Herald last night after getting roundly booed by the other team's fans.  

    "I like it," he said. "I like it when they boo me. When they boo you, that means you're something else. They don't boo bad players."

    Maybe we could call this Renteria's Law.  It's certainly not an original thought, per se, but the man had a big night for us last night and was a stud on my fantasy baseball team last year... so why not.

    < Thursday in the Sphere, April 10 | RM Original: Investigation into major Schauer campaign finance violations progressing... slowly... >

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    I think you really pi$$ed them off this time... (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 01:19:58 PM EST
    This whole recall thing has them "knocking on..." each other's head.

    Do they fail to see, recall or no recall, people are very dissatisfied with many things, higher taxes being just one.

    Don't let them distract you.

    Speaking of distraction, isn't the Godwin's Law often used for such effect? Strawman methods and the like are used to distract from the actual issue or danger. If you have a headache due a brain tumor and I sell aspirin, I can try to keep you focused on your headache with propaganda about my pain cure and it maybe quite easy to keep you distracted. This gives propaganda a bad name. Historically, propaganda has often been used for good or bad. Let's stay focused on the root cause, knowing it's not the word but the intent and results, not at the alter of selfish ambition. I guess I should properly throw in a few words about Hitler, Nazis, and the like...so go do a research if inclined.    

    At any rate, I always find it suspect when personal attacks are used out of context and other strawman methods.  It's one thing to say that Andy Dillon is an a$$ and another to say he's an a$$ because he raises taxes to cover government waste and won't quit spending... even during difficult times. The former should never be done.  He leaves himself wide open for the latter.

    Uh, I don't think they addressed the "right" of people to attempt a recall versus having such attempts thwarted except to parse the word "is." Wink! Cool on, cool for...huh? Perhaps it was meant to say "I'm thoughtless on/for..." because it certainly wasn't thoughtful.

    They secretly admire you (also) and have too much group think to admit.  Go Nick!

    It's my fervent (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 01:59:19 PM EST
    hope and prayer that you'll continue to post however you dang well please.  Especially in light of the fact that you're held in such high interest. Those of us who hold you in high regard will cheer while they rant.  Nothing wrong with a little fun between "focus." :D

    "Double Dealing" Dillon (none / 0) (#5)
    by Victor Laszlo on Thu Apr 10, 2008 at 08:43:46 PM EST
    Andy "Double Dealing" Dillon is the most deceitful Speaker of the House in Michigan's history.

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