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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Welcome to the MDP-- Please leave your principles at the door

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 06:57:29 AM EST
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    Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton gave up on Michigan about three-hundred days ago.  The Michigan House Democrats gave up on Michigan when they went on a two-week Easter vacation back on March 20th, walking off the job with only a few calendar days left to get something done to avoid the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Michigan voters.

    I hope the swelling's gone down in your face from those particular backhands because the Democrats are winding up and getting ready to slap us again.  This time, the Associated Press reports, it'll be the State Party's Executive Committee.

    While Howard Dean meets with lawmakers down in Florida, the only other state in the same mess we're in, and promises he's "committed" to seating their delegates without so much as a fly-over here in Wolverine country, the executive committee of the MDP is expected to hold a special phone meeting today specifically to "vote on a statement saying any kind of election to replace the results of the January 15 primary no longer is possible..."

    If that sort of statement seems entirely unnecessary to you, you're not alone.  We know it's not possible.  Your Democrat controlled State House of Representatives killed it.  The Obama supporters refused to get on board with the Clinton supporters and refused to put up the votes you needed and instead of sticking around and ironing out the differences you took a two week break to go hunt the Easter bunny.

    Why exactly do you need to hold a special phone vote to tell us what we already know?  Seriously, are you deriving some sort of perverse pleasure from watching voters statewide squirm as they realize their voice will never be heard?

    Oh, but on the bright side, Dean is expected to issue a statement after the vote letting folks know that he's "committed" to Michigan too.  No visit.  No meeting with the legislature.  Heck, no meeting even with the MDP Executive Committee.  Just some nebulous statement faxed to the press from his DC office.  Presumably.  (I don't want to count our chickens before they're hatched... these Dem promises mean less and less these days.)

    So much for every vote counting.  And where does this leave us?  Michigan's delegation to the national convention?  Who knows.  The statement is expected to say that our delegates will be seated if Barack and Hillary can come up with a solution they agree on.  Barack has said he wants to split it 50-50.  Clinton won more than 50% of the vote back on election day... remember, Barack, you pulled your own name off the ballot... and she doesn't think going halfsies sounds fair.  So they fight and they scrap and they argue and they trade insults and they get down in the mud and fight eachother.

    So much for fighting for the little guys.  Wasn't long ago that that'd be the principle most Dems self identified with the most.  It'd be why, they'd tell you, they were Democrats in the first place.  Now you've got their party machinery disenfranchising the entire voting population of a State and you've even seen them leave their populism at the door in one of the major legislative battles of 2008 as well.

    Somehow, inexplicably, the left, including the vast majority of the regressisphere, has taken up the banner of corporate America and a couple of major multi-billion dollar companies to not just fight but kill smaller, local, home grown competition.  And make no mistake, that's exactly what the current alternative energy battle in Lansing is about.

    Read on...

    Two companies, DTE and Consumers Energy, are lobbying the legislature and the Governor to be granted a monopoly.  They're also asking for billions of tax dollars (literally) and promising nothing in return (literally).  BIIIIIIIIG Energy fighting to kill your local supplier, charge you out your ears for the benefit of their service, raise rates with zero consumer recourse and boom, the Democrats, the protectors of the little guys, they're suddenly on board?  

    Is this Bizarro Michigan?

    But just wait, it gets better.  Not only are the big corporations trying to kill your local providers, they've started spending big bucks on lobbying and campaign contributions to influence the vote.  Did you read that, lefties?  LOBBYISTS!

    The Detroit News reports:

    DTE Energy and Consumers Energy combined to lay out more than a half-million dollars last year -- a 30 percent increase over the prior year -- on lobbying expenses, state records show. Those funds are used to pay lobbying staff, bring top officials to Lansing to sway lawmakers, and wine and dine, entertain and provide airfare and lodging for elected officials attending conferences.

    Outlays for lobbying are in addition to political campaign contributions from the DTE and Consumers Energy political action committees, which have totaled more than $650,000 since 2006, according to campaign finance records...

    "The utilities must think it has an impact on the debate or they wouldn't be spending that money," said Rich Robinson, executive director of the Michigan Campaign Finance Network, a political spending watchdog group.

    "I'd say that's pretty robust spending and the stakes are high."

    For sure.  And "the stakes" aren't any secret.  If these two energy giants get their way the following things will happen (read: they're in the Democrat legislation):

  • Taxpayers will be hit with an $8 billion tax hike that will go directly to Consumers and DTE over the next 20 years.

  • Smaller, community based energy providers will be forced out of business as the two giants are granted a State sponsored monopoly of the industry.

  • Without competition, rates will go up, unencumbered.  

  • Big Energy will face ZERO specific mandates for energy production.

  • Big Energy will be asked to make ZERO specific job production promises.

    Sounds like a good deal, right? Yeah, no.  

    This is one of those times you want to tap on someone's forehead and shout "McFly?  Anyone home McFly?"  Typically when the left rails against corporate America they're blowing a lot of hot air.  Now we actually need them and they've taken up for the giant companies trying to squeeze out the hometown mom-and-pop suppliers?  To allow consumers to be bilked with out any recourse or options?

    Why?  I'm seriously asking.  Why?  Because they promised they might build a wind plant?  One of the smaller producers might build one too!  Heck, give anyone $8 billion tax dollars and I bet they'd build you a dozen of them.  Without sponsoring the monopolization of an entire industry.  Heaven help us.

    Please?  Heaven, you know we need it.  

    Or did you miss the latest statistical "victory" here in Michigan?  The FREEP reports that we're number one in a whole new category today... problem banks.

    At the end of last year, 7.9% of Michigan-based banks were deemed problematic, troubled or worse by BauerFinancial Inc., a ratings firm in Coral Gables, Fla.

    Michigan led the list, followed by Georgia at 6.3%, Utah at 4.4%, Virginia at 4.2% and Minnesota at 3.4%...

    Another ratings firm, LACE Financial Corp. in Frederick, Md., also confirmed that Michigan leads the nation in problem banks.

    You know what the problem is?  There's too much competition.  Just close down all of the banks and put their money into a big giant Central Committee bank somewhere in Lansing.  Then if people want to get their money out they can ask their Comrade Bank Manager and he can determine whether or not the funds are available.  Now that's oversight.

    Plus, who needs competition anyway.

  • < Abortionists, Granholm's DEQ, & What Really Happens to the Bodies of MI's Aborted Children | Friday in the Sphere, April 4 >

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    No supprise here. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 07:14:02 AM EST
    Hypocrisy and dishonesty have been the hallmarks that have defined the Democrat Liberal Socialist Party for fifty years. Decadent, perverse, treasonous people who hate America and will do anything to force their idiotic ideas on the people of this country. When you listen to the Hildebeast and HUSSIEN Obama do you hear either of them talk about freedom and liberty? No? And you won't either. Those are not words that are part of the lexicon of the Left.

    But look at their good points! (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 07:44:25 PM EST
    Public Education, Affirmative Action, Unions for the working man, Separation of Church and State, Welfare Programs, Tax Payers, Record High Taxes, Income Tax, Marriage Penalty, Death Tax, Drug Treatment, Pro Choice, Tolerance, Equality... Huh? What's that you say? Oh yeah, these are miserable failures, also. Designed to steal capital and reimbursement for services rendered. That's what these big energy companies want more of. Our pocket book. I see that as the twin goal of most Dems. Power and money. If some people vote for them doesn't that blow Mark Grebner's theory of losing the "stupid people" out of the water?

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