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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Michigan Business Done Right - Philanthropy

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 02, 2009 at 07:40:48 PM EST
    Tags: Business, Philanthropy, government, MEDC, Michigan (all tags)

    The "well being of humankind," or to exhibit "benevolence toward man," are merely a couple of ways to describe "charity with a purpose."  It seeks a result, an end game, a positive outcome for others, and generally hopes to have that outcome spread from its center, through a message that carries no further cost or possibly with the recipient "passing along" the goodwill effort in some measure to others who might be able to benefit.  

    Scholarships, or grants toward studies are typical competitive examples of philanthropy.   And now..  One of those contests has reached its conclusion.

    This year, Industrial Covert Unlimited (our company) had a scholarship competition that was announced here and a few other places.  We handed out about 45-50 pocket sized constitutions from the heritage center for Halloween, email blasted, and posted on blogs the details of the competition.  The purpose of this contest was to reward and promote the understanding of our nation's most important and permanent laws; the United States Constitution.  The reward, though not "life changing" in its size, very real nonetheless; $100 for whatever purpose desired.

    Unfortunately, however, there are people (particularly those in government)  who confuse entitlement programs with true philanthropic efforts.

    Our contest serves a number of purposes.  We seek the true philanthropic result of the betterment of our neighbors, but we also hope to benefit as well.  In fact, in what might even be seen by some as a "selfish interest," we are using the contest to advertise our presence, and our business in general.  Our motives stem from a number of variables, and hoped for results.  Our dedication to those results are seen as we write the checks to those who have participated successfully in our "contest."

    Government hardly does things differently these days.  There is a desired result for the betterment of man, but unfortunately there is also the personal interest considerations of the politicians who create such programs.  Certainly a "societal problem" being addressed, whether a lack of health care or inability to pay for the roof over our head, can lead to a positive feeling of the official handling said problem.  At least from the recipient's viewpoint.  

    To solve a particular constituency's "trouble," the representative gives money, constituency receives money, recipient loves representative.  A "bought" vote, buried in the philanthropic wonder of a government gone wild stripping itself and rewarding desires only dreamed of several generations before.  

    Going further, those philanthropic desires to better mankind extend to development of new human progress.  In Michigan, it is the stated goal of the MEDC to promote certain interests:

    "21st century economy. Leveraging Michigan's strengths in research, engineering and manufacturing industries, we're targeting the following high-growth industries:
    Alternative energy
    Life sciences
    Homeland security and defense
    Advanced manufacturing industry

    Alternative energy is certainly a big one, but make no mistake tax dollars are quite easily doled out for the "advancement" of those other interests, as well as a few which quite literally must FLY past review:

    The timing of the SEIU's application for tax credits is also of interest. An application for tax breaks on behalf of an entity that did not exist would be highly irregular, but if SEIU waited until October 22 to file an application with MEDC, that would mean that MEDC took only 18 business days to receive, evaluate and reach a decision on that application. 

    Truly those efforts toward the "betterment of humankind" could be better placed.  

    Never mind the questionable methods developed for the panel to determine which candidate for assistance is more worthy, the fact that they must first take forcefully from taxpayers to provide such benevolence is troubling at best.  Our disagreement with that form of charity or advancement hardly matters it seems, if there is a backside reward for the givers.

    Ultimately, if someone disagrees with the intent of our contest, or the prize my wife and I have determined the business can afford, they can refuse to patronize our tiny operation. They can proceed along their merry little way having never spent a dime to provide the means that we use to have such a competition.  They are no worse off for their disagreement, and have been harmed in no way.

    Our government, outside of its responsibility to provide a safe environment cannot be ignored so easily.  


    Your contribution to the betterment of man through a government sponsor of "life sciences" or "alternative energy" will most certainly buy a politician's seat more permanently, just as our (business) contribution with the promotion of the constitution to our younger generation provides us with more exposure and higher sales.  The difference however, is who it is that must pay for such measures.

    Government cannot at all achieve philanthropic goals without first relieving some of its citizens from that which was earned.

    The lesson?  Humanity is hardly advanced when the right pocket is picked to provide the benefit to the left.

    - Coming Soon.. the winners -

    < Peterson is out of touch | In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today >

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    Unarguably, the world's most successful (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Dec 03, 2009 at 09:31:14 AM EST
    government, based on the principles of a constitutional republic, specific limited powers of protecting rights, was an exception. America's Founders actually adopted this approach in 1776.

    We have history to prove what has worked and what hasn't. We also have situations that show the wisdom of encouraging individual responsibility and self reliance. You can visit any VA hospital, physical therapy centers, and watch little children learning to walk, to see what makes the difference between winners and losers. The ones who do not have everything done for them, who are not exempt or protected from potential bumps and bruises, but are encouraged by what they can do regardless of what has gone before. The ones who consistently concentrate on their belief in being able to make improvement are the ones who succeed.

    If Moms, physical therapist, and athletes know this, it's shameful that some politicians are able to convince some people to forget these basic principles.

    Despite accusations and name calling, keep reminding...  

    Vicious cycle (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Thu Dec 03, 2009 at 11:12:23 AM EST
    I would be hard pressed to come up with one single example where long-term government social assistance (philanthropy) was successful.  Short term examples are aplenty, but their overall success rates aren't that good either.

    It really is a candle that burns from both ends.

    On one side it negatively affects outcomes because so many programs are ones where recipients learn only to receive services rather than to achieve much of anything.  The other side of the candle burns because individuals in society slough off God commanded good works thinking that the charity their tax dollars provide should be more than enough.

    The more responsibility that individuals abdicate, the more deemed authority our government feels it must shoulder in providing services.

    It is a vicious cycle made ever more vicious by the turbulence it has created.

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