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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Democratic Congressman's wife listening to hate-group's council

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 06:44:04 AM EST
    Tags: Conyers, Detroit, racism, hate, Flint (all tags)

    This is what the Michigan Democratic Party has to offer?

    Their statewide slate for 2010 is already shaping up as one of the most extreme, far-left groups of out-of-touch politicians in recent memory.  John Cherry is `proudly' running on a record of failure and futility while their AG candidate, Gretchen Whitmer, makes Fieger-Time look as conservative as John Engler.  The only hope for the slate is potential SoS candidate Janice Winfrey, one of the few Democrats in Detroit with even a modicum of capability.

    And now in two of the state's largest cities THIS is what voters are offered in Mayoral races?

    The Flint Journal reports on the rapidly growing field of candidates for their leadership post, after it was vacated via the resignation of their last corrupt Democratic Mayor.  The list includes an ultra-liberal former legislator, a local board of education member and a failed former Democratic candidate who it appears only moved to the city to run for Mayor.  Among others.

    But Flint looks positively cosmopolitan after reading the Motor City update courtesy of this morning's Detroit News.  

    The racist who orchestrated the City Council's decision to reject nearly $300 million in "free money" for Cobo Hall because out-staters would be involved in the project... the same woman who was recently arrested for a bar fight, who called her former colleague Shrek and who made fun of a political opponent's alleged battle with cancer, Congressman John Conyers' wife Monica says she might just run as a write-in candidate.  

    "People have asked me," said Conyers, who remains council president at least through the May 5 special election for Detroit mayor. "I haven't said anything. I just listened."

    The Call 'Em Out Coalition is encouraging Conyers to run. The Detroit-based organization is known for the "Sambo" awards it bestows on people it feels are selling out Detroit. Representatives of the organization couldn't be reached for comment.

    Cobo, for the record, is the "crown jewel of Detroit."  According to the good folks at CEOC.  

    "Sambo," by the way, is not a nice word.  The NAACP hasn't buried this one yet, but I'm sure its somewhere on their target list.

    If any other politician, running for any other office, anywhere else in Michigan were considering accepting the support and listening to the council of a group that handed out "Sambo" awards, they'd be called on the carpet quicker than you can say "Jack Robinson."  Or in this case, "Jim Crow."

    The wife of a Congressman should be held to no less intense a standard.  Just because the woman lives and works and operates in Detroit doesn't give her a pass to participate and legitimize these sorts of vile, repugnant racial politics.

    For a "post-racial" America coming off the historic election of our first African-American President, Detroit sure is managing to put on an embarrassing show this week.  One way or the other, Congressman Conyers and his wife are going to tell the bigots and the hate-mongers where they can stick their brand of racism... they'll either justly and publicly denounce them, telling them to stick it where the sun doesn't shine or they'll quietly embrace them without a single word of outrage, making hate mainstream in the Motor City.  

    If their Cobo Hall shenanigans are any indication, we probably shouldn't get our hopes up.

    < Your Tea Party Invite | Friday in the Sphere: February 27 >

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    I'm not familiar (none / 0) (#1)
    by quigonjames on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 12:15:34 PM EST
    with Detroit's ethics policies, or lack thereof, but don't they have some sort of conduct policy in place?? WTF is going on over there? I'm from Chicago and even I'm a bit shocked at their behavior.

    Aw cmon Nick (none / 0) (#2)
    by RushLake on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 02:53:49 PM EST
    Moronica Conyers, wife of John. The same John who introduces resolutions to pay reparations in every congress, the same John who sends his kids to private schools outside DPS, John who is still trying to impeach George W. Bush? Moronica who has her kids driven to private school outside DPS and outside Detroit by Detroit Policemen? What can you expect from such low lifes with titles?

    FBI investigation? (none / 0) (#3)
    by geek49203 on Fri Feb 27, 2009 at 05:25:28 PM EST
    The last I heard, she was already the target of an FBI investigation -- which seems to be a prerequisite to being the Mayor of Detroit.  

    For the record, "Little Black Sambo" was a HERO, and oh yeah, he was INDIAN.  After all, he turned tigers into butter, and we all know that tigers don't live in Africa, but do nicely in India.

    FBI Investigations in Detroit... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Sat Feb 28, 2009 at 06:57:15 PM EST
    ...are really nothing new.

    They've had them going on since at least the days of Coleman Young.

    Ah, those were the days.

    This time around, not only do they have Papa Kilpatrick in their sights (along with his son and several of his classmates from Cass Tech), but apparently a number of members of the Detroit School Board as well.

    Although truth be told, most people are getting a little tired of the FBI's strategy of having them die of old age before they step in and actually arrest someone.

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