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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Better Plan

    By Eric T, Section News
    Posted on Wed Apr 01, 2009 at 06:32:51 PM EST
    Tags: http:--news.yahoo.com-s-ap-20090401-ap_on_go_co-congress_budget (all tags)

    Republicans propose big tax cuts, spending curbs


    The GOP plan would offer a dramatically simplified tax code in which couples would have the option of a 10 percent rate on the first $100,000 of income, with a 25 percent rate thereafter, with the first $25,000 of income exempt from taxation. Single could get a $12,500 exemption and a 10 percent rate on income up to $50,000.

    Taxpayers could also opt to remain in the current system.

    This looks like a nice stimulus plan here,

    a 10 percent rate on the first $100,000 of income, this would put some real cash in your hand to go out and buy stuff, pay off debt, and stimulate the economy. I think a plan like this would really fire up the economy. What do you think?

    < Wednesday in the Sphere: April 1 | Outbound moves record shattering and worse than feared >

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    I like, but... (none / 0) (#1)
    by thejmfc on Thu Apr 02, 2009 at 02:35:18 AM EST
    It'll never see the light of day.  It will quickly be labeled "regressive", and be killed.

    For comparison sake though, here are the current (2008) rates for married filing jointly:

    $0 - 16,050:  10%
    $16,050 - 65,100:  15%
    $65,100 - 131,450:  25%
    $131,450 - 200,300:  28%
    $200,300 - 357,700:  33%
    $357,700 - above:  35%

    Dropping the top rate from 35% to 25% will never fly with the liberal, punish-the-evil-rich crowd.  It would do great things for the economy.  How it would directly affect the middle and lower class would depend on how deductions and exemptions are changed (if at all).  

    It sure does beat anything that the Democrats are pushing, but I have no hope for it's passage.  

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