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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.


    By Geno Trisch, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 02, 2009 at 08:36:25 AM EST
    Tags: genetrisch@yahoo.com (all tags)

    What does all these things have in common and what does history tell us. It's Easter time and every year I must watch Charlton Heston and the ten commandments. In the prelude they talk about slavery and bondage and even today man seeks dominion over other men. This is so true. Back 3000 years when Moses freed the slaves, and then took the people below Gods Holy Mountain to receive THE TEN COMMANDMENTS,and as I watched the true story unfold, It hit me. When you combine taxes and regulations, you have bondage,slavery and tyranny. Please let me explain.  When the slaves were free people, for 40 days God watched his people. The people became unruly. There was adultery,stealing,taking of other peoples wealth. They even made a new GOD. A Golden Calf to worship.I feel that God wanted to see how free people would act. and because of it he wrote the Ten Commandments. I feel our forefathers wrote the constitution and the bill of rights to protect us from people who seek dominion over other people.Today,the very people who want to redistribute wealth voted in Obama. Could Obama be there Golden Calf. You know as well as I do that the far left is seeking total gun control, they are attacking freedom of speech. They have already made us,our children and our unborn SLAVES TO TAXES. (The Huge Deficit). The far left is even attacking our voting process with accorn. As free people when do we start protecting our freedom. When do we start thinking about freedom instead of a handout.  Today there are 80 million gun owners, but only 4 million belong to the NRA and they are protecting your rights. Most people say they will never take our guns away. WELL, Did you hear about Pelosi's bill HR 45. The second amendment is about protecting ourselves against a tyranny and not about just hunting. The 2 nd. amendment is about equal fire power against a tyrant or the government. It is in deed time to defend our freedom, First at the ballot box, and freedom of speech. Become a member of the NRA. We must protect our freedom and use the tools our forefathers gave us.(THE CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS).
    Vietnam Vet.
    Gene A. Trisch

    < Thursday in the Sphere: April 2 | Saving the Great American Burger >

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    DUDE . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Thu Apr 02, 2009 at 07:22:36 PM EST
    . . . we gotta work on your usage of punctuation and paragraph breaks.

    Gene (none / 0) (#2)
    by Eric T on Thu Apr 02, 2009 at 09:28:05 PM EST
    I love shooting my guns, it is a good clean and wholesome hobby. Some folks like golf, some like watching or playing sports, some like drinking and dancing at the bar. For me, nothing is more enjoyable than a day of recreational shooting.

     Something just doesn't seem right with these high ammo prices, lately a case of .308 or 7.62x39 is pushing $400. That is just wrong, that is a staple, like bread. You'd think with the economy as bad as it is, someone would jump at the chance to manufacture this stuff, and put out enough, where it is affordable to go shooting for a day, again.

    I feel bad for the guys going down next weekend to the Knob Creek Kentucky Machine gun shoot, or Bulletfest in Ohio. Where those guns are spittin out 600-1200 rounds a minute. Its just not  affordable to shoot at these prices. These prices just don't seem right. A BOX of .380 is $50 at Gander Mountain. Sometimes it is just supply and demand. But, With the democrats in command again, I'm hoping we don't see the Clinton Gun Ban, Ted Kennedy ammo bans, magazine capacity bans. And, All those kind of, attempts to reduce freedom and take all the fun out of the sport. The Clinton Era democrats rated real low on the fun-o-meter. Hopefully this batch is better.

    • Gillman by Eric T, 04/02/2009 10:27:02 PM EST (none / 0)
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