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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Detroit descends deeper into the dangerous and bizarre

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 07:35:58 AM EST
    Tags: Detroit, DPS, deficit, Monica Conyers, creepiness, felon, shotgun (all tags)

    On the upside, the Final Four is in Detroit this weekend.  Saturday at 6:07 PM they jump the ball in the first battle, between the Michigan State Spartans and the Connecticut Huskies.

    And while the Green and White make their way to Ford Field,Jay Cutler won't be, which is also good news, because now I won't have to hate the Lions like I suddenly hate the Bears.  (Kyle Orton and a couple of mediocre draft picks?  Seriously?)

    That's the good news, and folks from out-of-state who stumbled onto this website in advance of your trip to the big game should just skip ahead to the next story on the page.  Because to whatever extent the rest of Detroit remains a secret to the average non-Michigander, we'd probably all be better served to preserve that naiveté.

    The rest of the picture isn't pretty and it just keeps getting creepier.  Worse, uglier, sure, between the record shattering unemployment, the stubborn refusal to vote for change and the mayoral candidates who sound like everyone else from the last fifty years there are a lot of adjectives we could use, but "creepy" fits this morning's news best.

    Read on...

    Good people with good intentions don't do the sorts of things we're learning about this week.  Take the Detroit Public Schools, for example.  The Ivory Tower reports this morning that their deficit now stands at a staggering $305 million.  Just the school district.  Whhhhhhy?

    The deficit was caused partly by instances of mind-boggling ineptitude or stupidity, including $15.2 million in unrecorded invoices and contracts and -- get this -- millions to cover 597 employees who weren't supposed to be on the payroll...

    The findings will force (Emergency Financial Manager Robert) Bobb to close as many as 50 schools and cut thousands of jobs in the next two years. But my broken record is still playing: What happened to the money? Who's going to pay it back? And who's going to jail?

    Great questions posed by Rochelle Reilly.  Gak.  Did I just type that?  Maybe I'm coming down with something...

    597 phantom employees who will now force 50 schools with REAL employees to be closed and kids to be uprooted and reshuffled.  That is creepy.

    But nothing is creepier than Congressman John Conyers wife, Monica.  The current top dog on the Detroit City Council, Monica has made a career out of beating women up at bars, calling political opponents names like Shrek, scolding school children for having the audacity to disapprove of her childish behavior and viciously making fun of a fellow council member because she believed he had cancer.  Oh, and she doesn't think much of white people, either.

    She may actually be one of the worst people in the history of the American experiment and the more we learn the more every SANE Michigander wishes they could hide her from the rest of the planet.  Alas.  The Detroit News reports this morning that her latest magic-creepy-act was to get her violent ex-con felon of a brother a three month gig at the City's building department and *poof*, turn it into two years of taxpayer funded "employment."

    Reggie Esters, 38, was fired from the $30,500 job last summer on claims of chronic absenteeism. About the same time, he was charged with 10 felonies stemming from allegations he brandished a shotgun at two people, according to court records. He pleaded guilty to one count and faces sentencing April 17.

    Records obtained this week by The Detroit News show Esters submitted a resume showing he worked continuously for two construction firms from 1999 to 2006. State records show he was incarcerated for assault and weapons charges for much of that time.

    But wait, there's more, and it only gets stranger...

    Meah said Conyers wanted her brother hired as a $50,000 inspector, but he wasn't qualified and wouldn't pass a license exam. Instead, he was hired as an investigator who checked if businesses are properly licensed.

    Conyers, whose maiden name is Esters, said Meah is wrong. She denied that Esters is her brother, despite papers filed in Wayne County Probate Court in 1976 that identify them as siblings with the same parents, Robert H. and Alice Esters.

    Remember that old Shaggy song from the mid 1990s?  "It wasn't me."  

    Congressman Conyers... your wife?  She is CREEPY!  Please retire and take her with you.  The citizens of Detroit and the Detroit Regional Chamber iterally can't take much more of her and her shotgun toting building-inspector siblings.

    < The Mighty ACORN | Friday in the Sphere: April 3 >

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    Why doesn't this suprise me? (none / 0) (#1)
    by AdrienneKH on Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 09:38:34 AM EST
    Oh probably because its Monica Conyers...what a joke.

    Nick (none / 0) (#3)
    by quigonjames on Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 03:13:52 PM EST
    Don't be hatin'; a few months in 'CHI' town and he'll suck. And then no big loss...:D

    I guess I'm becoming numb. (none / 0) (#4)
    by thejmfc on Sat Apr 04, 2009 at 01:47:44 AM EST
    I wasn't really all that shocked about this story until Monica Conyers actually denied that the man is her brother.  Isn't that sad?  Nothing this woman does really surprises me anymore.  And really, I wasn't shocked by the ethics of denying your own brother.  I was more stunned by it based on how easy it is to prove a lie.  Granted, the woman has no shame, conscience, or soul, but has she no intellect either?  

    On a related note, I'm somewhat disappointed that Obama hasn't tapped her for a cabinet position yet.  With his past appointments serving as an indicator of his human resources skills, it wouldn't have surprised me in the least.  Maybe he's saving her for Supreme Court Justice?

    And those hits? Well... (none / 0) (#5)
    by KG One on Sat Apr 04, 2009 at 06:54:52 PM EST
    ...they just keep on coming.

    The whole on-again, off-again acknowledgment of her ex-con brother notwithstanding, it appears that the Conyers Family is taking a page from the Kilpatrick Family in getting jobs for those hard-to-employ relatives.

    The Fish Paper reports today that the Shrek-detector herself not only got a job for her brother (who never bother to show up), but also for her son and niece as well.

    What is it about democrats and their families? Can't they get jobs in the real world like the rest of us?

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