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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Interview: Michael Van Beek Discusses New 'School Health Insurance' Database

    By THE MC Mackinac Center Blog, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Tue Jan 12, 2010 at 08:35:42 AM EST
    Tags: Mackinac Center; schools; insurance; database (all tags)

    In January 2010, Michael Van Beek, director of education policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, unveiled a database containing health insurance information for more than 500 Michigan school districts. This resource includes plan providers, plan titles, monthly premium costs, employee contributions and number of enrollees.

    Van Beek says the online database is a good resource for districts seeking to find ways to save money on health insurance, as they can now see how other schools of similar size or region are paying for their health insurance.

    Read the news release, or explore the database.

    < Health Insurance Information for More Than 500 Michigan School Districts Available Online | In the MACKINAC CENTER Sphere Today >

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    excellent (none / 0) (#1)
    by Tom McMillin on Wed Jan 13, 2010 at 02:39:44 AM EST
    This is an excellent resource.  Anyone who lives in a district that is threatening to eliminate buses, athletics or anything else, due to reductions in per pupil allocation from the state need only go to this database and see the cadillac plans their school employees have - most cost the district in the $16,000 range and the employee typically pays next to nothing toward it.  This is about $8,000 more generous than the private sector.  Bring that cost alone more in line with 21st century benefits (maybe more than $2 deductibles, etc), would more than make up this year's reduction and the anticipated $260 (or so) per pupil cut anticipated in 2010/2011.

    MESSA (none / 0) (#3)
    by grannynanny on Wed Jan 13, 2010 at 09:47:57 AM EST
    I see almost all districts subscribe to their health insurance through MESSA or MEBS.  I believe these two organizations are run by the unions.  How much money are they making off of these policies?  I am sure they don't offer them or administer them for free.  As a taxpayer I am forced to support a union by way of paying 100% of health care benefits for teachers.

    Also, the districts should be held accountable for agreeing to these policies.  And the many who receive pay in lieu of taking the insurance are getting a hefty chuck of change.  

    When I see what the taxpayers are paying for teacher's benefits and they continually cry poor -  I see RED.  I don't feel one bit sorry for them anymore.  Michigan taxpayers take another one up the arse - when is it going to STOP!

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