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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Take it from someone who doesn't know

    By Jake Davison, Section News
    Posted on Thu Sep 08, 2011 at 12:48:46 PM EST
    Tags: Granholm, Michigan, Jobs (all tags)

    Just when the Granholms' eight-year reign of failure was over, they offer more asinine and unrequested advice. For instance, did you know that America suffers from a plague of overemployment?

    In his recent column, "America's Hidden Overemployment Problem," former First Gentleman Daniel Granholm Mulhern opines "...as hard as it may be to believe...men and women are begging for relief, as they're working 55, 60, 65 hours a week."

    His solution (as hard as it may be to believe) is that job-providers "must creatively share the cost of hiring" by hiring extra people. Using the analogy of an entrepreneur who has 180 hours of work but can only afford to hire three people, Mulhern muses that "savings could come from the three workers' salaries" to pay for the fourth. "A healthy business that allowed ten or twelve people to take a 10 percent furlough would free up enough money to hire a worker. The math is simple." Apparently not simple enough for companies to figure out and implement themselves.

    Mulhern blames a sexist mentality. "What's hard is changing the macho mentality that says a `serious, committed employee' doesn't ask for a sustainable schedule.' " Anyone in a free market can ask for less work if they are willing to accept the likely consequences (less money and slower promotions). It's called life and, as adults know, it has its trade-offs.

    Of course, "there is an important government role." Mulhern's concept is "employment compensation." This farcical phrase would allow a worker who has lost their job and is staring at six months of making $362 a week on unemployment to hand over the entire $9,412 to a new employer as incentive to hire them. He fails to mention that this cost would come directly from the previous employer, who would have to make $9,412 of cuts.

    But it's not until you combine both Mulherns that you get a fully foolish policy proposal. Last week, Daniel and Jennifer rolled out a 6-point jobs plan that claims to "throw out the old theories" while rehashing the failed theories of Obama and Keynes.

    1. Tax job-providers more. Or as the Granholms put it, give job-providers "incentives" (new taxes) to inspire job-providers to voluntarily pay even more of the corporate taxes that Dan and Jen later say are too high.

    2. Spend the money from point #1 on technologies that don't exist and for which there is no market. Or as they put it, "require cash-hungry states to collaborate with (the heavily subsidized and politically correct part of) the private sector.

    3. Spend more money and coerce banks to make loans they otherwise wouldn't. The Granholms - whose resumes are a list of government and non-profit jobs - compare this "Jobs Race to the Top" program with the one rare Obama initiative that made sense, their public education "Race to the Top" program. However, that program only worked because it bribed state governments and school districts to reign in their teacher unions and adopt actual standards. The Granholm RTT would only dole out corporate welfare to failures like the recently exposed Solyndra or Michigan's misguided film tax credits which cost two taxpayer dollars for every one dollar in temporary jobs.

    4. Lower the corporate tax rate. You know, that corporate tax rate mentioned in point #1 that the big bad private sector is scurrying overseas to avoid so they can keep employing people. This is actually a good idea Republicans have been advocating for years.

    5. Spend more money attempting to guess what skills the jobs of the future will require.

    6. Force people to buy the subsidized products from point #2 by making popular technologies more expensive with higher taxes.

    The Granholms had their chance in Michigan, now the least they can do is leave us alone.

    < Headline Of The Day | Clown Colors Equals Missed Opportunity. >

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    Let's Just Hope (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Thu Sep 08, 2011 at 02:08:39 PM EST
    they both remain in Berkley, Kaliformexico - never to return to this state again!  

    Even a complete and utter failure such as... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Thu Sep 08, 2011 at 03:50:53 PM EST
    ...these two can be used for some good.

    I would hold them both up as Exhibit "A" in how NOT to run something, and show it to the entire world.

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