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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Compassionate conservatism (none / 0) (#3)
    by michiganmav on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 06:02:49 AM EST
    Very few people are aware or were blinded of the compassionate conservatism that President Bush has brought to the world. The World was to busy relishing in it, Freedom to 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan, the relief programs to Africa... it goes on and on.
    What people didn't hear was voices of World Leaders who spoke at the UN world Conference in September, the media was to focused on Palin's clothes and protesting. What I heard was relentless pleading for more investment in their countries, they had seen what capitalism could do for them and for the poor in their respective countries.
    Even though their voices weren't heard I think that they are about to get what wanted. At a time when lower taxes would have allowed corporations to actually buy back America with new investments, what we are hearing in the last two days is a stock market that dropped 1000 points. Its the sound of the wealth being sucked out of America and heading for more fertile grounds.
    Compassionate conservatism is about to come home, and I don't mean a shutting off a light, checking the air pressure in your tires. These are going to be fertile times for conservatism with compassion, the grassroots efforts must be nurtured... its a tough road, it won't produce direct results, but in the long term people will see the benefits and become solid Conservatives.
    There has to be a relationship established, one thats positive and upbeat reflecting the voices of the people, showing results and displaying that these are the American Hero's that should be looked up to. "Do bold things in a quiet way" is no longer good enough to reestablishing Traditional Conservatism, as these ideals are no longer radical but Patriotic.


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