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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    One sucky speech (none / 0) (#7)
    by michiganmav on Fri Dec 05, 2008 at 07:25:52 AM EST
    That assessment seems to round up this speech by Granholm

    I'm no genius but it seems that there's been huge corruption in the Clean Michigan Initiative, that's now completely broke... but hey, Kwame got his promenade while they raise taxes to fix sewers


    Did Michigan voters actually approve changing the Michigan Constitution to allow Granholm to institute the 21st Century Jobs program?
    After its been proved time and time again that this government intervention in deciding who gets the nod and who doesn't for economic growth.

    I find it hilarious that she touts in 2005 Michigan's quick approval of GM Flint plant and in 2008 there's still no plant... and If I'm not mistaken that's the same engine (1.0 TWINPORT ECOTEC) thats been used in the European GM Corsa and on models in Brazil SINCE 2005.


    Now just think if these State and Federal Politicians, UAW and GM had really had some Vision and Incentive to create the IDEAL conditions for Michigan to supply these engines worldwide since 2005.

    I think that alone would have resulted in a complete reversal of Michigan's economic spiraling turbocharged downfall... hey, that's just my opinion... I'm no genius and hindsight is 20/20 but lets just wait till Michigan and GM are on its death bed and whine for a Federal bailout.

    I believe the CMI and 21st Century Job initiative are EPA and Michigan Government corruption at its finest.
    Now, since Granholm is being considered an Obama Admin position, the US Department of Energy will be going the same political activist route as the EPA that's devoid of 21st century economic realities.

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