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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    overwhelming evidence (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Sun Mar 23, 2008 at 03:21:26 PM EST
    I wonder how capable we would be at admitting there is an amazing amount of evidence for ( or against) our pet opinions or beliefs.

    If there is a squirrelly or mean person who is accused of something this could impact our judgment.  If the person is such that they are well liked and believable then it's difficult to believe evidence to the contrary.  If a person supports or defends another even though they're not on friendly terms this might way heavily in a court of law. If I had a business partner who had tried to embezzle and we've just signed papers to dissolve our partnership we're not going to be best buds. If this person is charged with a hit and run crime and a witness puts his vehicle at the scene but I know he (with said vehicle) was with me signing those papers, when I testify as such this will carry a lot of weight.

    If one could take the time to research Biblical evidence from a perspective of neutrality, knowing they can still believe or disbelieve regardless, one would find that the Bible is well supported by <u>various venues </u>of evidence that <u>exceed</u> the excepted standard.

    At the least, in a court of law it would be said there is <u>overwhelming evidence</u>.


    Happy Easter!

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