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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No to Constitution Convention (none / 0) (#7)
    by inform4 on Wed Jul 16, 2008 at 09:32:26 AM EST
    <strong></strong>No one is asking who will get appointed to sit on a Michigan Constitional Convention. That is where most of the mischief can be created.

    Those with a special interest to benefit their agenda.  Such as, doing away with the ability for the likes of a Ward Connorly to help in the promoting of doing away with the unequitable "Affirmative Action."  

    L. Brooks Patterson and company had this on their agenda.  They did not want to allow out-of-state funding or voices to help with doing away with the likes of the un-Constitutional "Affirmative Action."

    There are no draw bridges to pull up once a Con-Con is started and I am sure that neither the likes of you or I will have any oversight -- let alone the ability to have ourselves appointed to sit on the committee or board of a CON-CON.

    What is my greatest concern?  It is that those who will be ultimately appointed will be pro-government hacks that will expand the government bureaucracy and create more limitations on the rights of the individual.  NO, NO, NO to a Michigan Con-Con!!!

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