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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    While it is possible that the DFP got it right... (none / 0) (#2)
    by El Grillo on Wed Sep 10, 2008 at 09:15:46 AM EST
    ...it is more likely that the whole truth is less inflammatory. Had the Gov. been JohnEngler, the whole truth might have been reported in a different way.
    Job creation by a government creates government jobs, by definition, and is not a good idea, in general.
    The exception might be to put non-violent offenders to work and applying the cost of imprisonment to the program. Most of the citizens in our County Jails are non-violent people who are not a threat to society. Teaching them what their parents and classroms failed to teach them would require a different training process for deputies, but I'm convinced that they could be educated for this task.

    You have a choice. You can offer other options for job-training and job-creation that originate in the creative part of your mind, or you can bitch me out. I'm good either way.

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