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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I love these articles. Please send more! (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Thu Nov 19, 2009 at 08:21:29 AM EST
    But I'm not askin' GranHack for nothin'!

    I would like to suggest to my fellow citizens that they find areas themselves to change how they're dealing with their finances, where they still have the freedom to do so. I know those areas are ever more restricted. Yet, there is a glaring one.

    If we look at the almost $3,000 spent on entertainment we could spend some of that on a different product, if not in a different area. I'd suggest finding a 'rainy day savings' area. Regardless, leaving the funds in entertainment, a lot of this money is spent on games, cd's, movies...which goes directly to the celebrities et al, who are already filthy rich. They're paid to give us a piece of their mind when we should pay ourselves for our own peace of mind.

    If one can't put the money towards an out of town vacation or an in town hotel get away, I'd suggest an area that would provide anytime entertainment as well as a benefit for all. The $ could be spent on card games, board games, word games, simple meals to share with friends invited for said entertainment. This would be good for family/social/education...and many other areas.

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