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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Hmm - definitely not the first three (none / 0) (#1)
    by Jack McHughs Blog on Wed Nov 25, 2009 at 11:06:00 AM EST
    Precinct delegate - what do they control? At some level maybe they affect who the party picks for AG, SOS and supreme court candidates, but that's it. Every delegate in the county can be a rip-roaring right wing extremist and the worst rino state senate and rep candidates will still win the primary if they are better politicians than their opponents - delegates have zero role in primary elections.

    As for being on boards, going to meetings, etc. - that is, becoming part of the big government establishment yourself - here's a better idea: Change the incentives of the political actors in that establishment.

    For more, see the Mackinac Center's "Tea Party Activist Tool Box."

    At the local level, when your city council or school board are talking tax hikes, or expanded bennies for govt employees, don't go to the meeting. Instead, get a dozen tea party buddies and picket outside of it! Tell the local tv and newspaper before you go. Then, make up a flyer describing the positions of the worst tax-raising violators on these bodies and deliver it door-to-door in their neighborhoods.

    Can you see the difference here? These actions start to change incentives, which currently are very strong for policymakers to do the wrong things. When their incentives are right, the policy takes care of itself with no further effort.

    Plus, these things are more fun and less boring than pretending to be interested in the actual working of statist big government establishments.

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