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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    My reason for favoring (none / 0) (#8)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Dec 22, 2009 at 11:00:35 AM EST
    Term limits is really in reaction to some of the campaign reforms that have been passed in Washington over the last many years. They have tilted the game to give all the advantage in money raising, exposure via TV and radio advertising to the incumbant. McCain/Feingold should have been named the Incumbant Protection Act. After talking to some of the folks that have taken the jump and have run for office they all say the same things. Winning a seat against an incumbant is like playing cards with a stacked deck with the odds all against you. Looking at the logic of the electorate in the last election it is the one firm protection we have against the corruption in Washington and Lansing. It amazes me when some of these Congressional Reps can go to Washington after election with a small net worth and within three terms they are worth millions. Once they get the "hang" of things it is clear they use everything at their disposal to increase their own lot rather then the folks that sent them to Congress. Times have changed and we need to look at ways to curb the abuses of Government and if that means term limits then I am all for them. If term limits are good for the office of President of the US then as far as I am concerned it should be good enough for the rest of the elected class. Reagan was one of the best Presidents we ever had. I would have voted for him a third time but the law said I couldn't. The same should be true for the rest of the political class. I for one am tired of seeing losers like the Levin brothers feeding from the public trough simply because they are to stupid or incompetent to find a job in the private sector. Of course they wouldn't be able to get away with half the stuff they do actually working for a living in the private sector. But their career choices would be very limited. Maybe Greeter at Walmart or a cart wrangler but that would be about it.


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