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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Those who fail to learn the lessons of history... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Tue Mar 17, 2009 at 09:22:38 AM EST
    ...you know the rest.

    Let's jump into the DMC-12 and take a trip to Detroit about a century ago.

    Back around that time, there was a rail system around the Detroit, and a rather large and extensive one at that; stretching from Detroit out to Port Huron, Detroit to Monroe and Detroit to Pontiac (much of it was electric-powered).

    The problem here is that is was so long ago, that most people have forgotten about it.

    Fortunately, a recap of what happened can be found here.

    The problem here is that like all government ran entities (it was originally a private entity until the government took it over around the '20's), it wasn't properly managed and couldn't compete very well with busses or automobiles.

    It eventually ceased operations around '56.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, Nick, but this is just Lansing throwing money down yet another rat-hole, much like AIG & Wall Street.

    And invoking eminent domain to build a RR for the radical greens (i.e. hydrogen power made from solar cells)...Hello, McFly!

    I'd rather they concentrate on more pressing matters like their looming budget deficit.

    The cost of a "feasibility study" can easily be applied to that.

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