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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Reaching Out, Yes; but as you propose... NO! (none / 0) (#19)
    by pauldpeterson on Thu Apr 23, 2009 at 10:08:00 AM EST
    While I find the carrot at the end of this article's stick attractive, that we look to the future by reaching out to women and the upcoming youth, I find its means extremely disturbing.  To imply that a public cannot be represented properly by someone other than the demographic they're reaching out to is a high form of bias that we are trying to stamp out in this country.  In fact, I would daresay that many conservative women may even prefer representation by a man than a woman; it's not something you can presuppose.  There is evidence to support either view, showing it is a matter of personal preference, not something you can cast generally over an electorate. Same with the young; historically, the young look up to their mentors for guidance, and I believe, representation, at least after they're done being teens. ;)


    What matters so much more is the substance of a candidate's core values, beliefs, platform, open-mindedness, willingness to listen and actually represent, ability to unify, and ability to stand up to criticism and attack, which will invariably come from a hateful Left.  What the Republican Party needs to stand for is standing against this kind of demographic pandering that results in wishy-washy values, based on the Left's interpretation of multiculturalism or demographic diversity, which has been sold so long to Americans, that even now, it eeks it's way into our (supposed-to-be-conservative) Republican Party.  (Incidentally, as a white male, I find it highly offensive and unprofessional, if that matters to anyone else.)

    Lastly, let's get something absolutely straight about DIVERSITY. The Left has used it as a means to DIVIDE people according to their demographic by continually pointing out policies of Diversity and producing 'Diversity Training' to industry that dwells on how Diversity means white males being considerate of other races and women (what about other races being considerate of the host of European sub-ethnicities in our culture, specifically ideas of honor and chivalry?). This in itself is divisive; white males are not the problem our society today, haven't been for a long time, not sure they ever were (en masse) as the feminist movement has besmirched their own gender so much that Freud, were he alive today, might accuse them of a mental illness he called 'penis envy'.  Conservative women are more concerned about actually BEING feminine and standing for right and against wrong, which I, for one, am staunchly in favor of and support whole-heartedly; this includes a lack of discrimination, yet encouraging fair competition and discouraging unfair double-standards.

    The Left pushes the slogan DIVERSITY IS STRENGTH; again this is WRONG.  UNITY IS STRENGTH; this is why their party is now stronger than ours. Ours is fractionalized and factionalized because some of us have bought their hype, having been misled, which is part of what I'm fighting against for the benefit of our party! While UNITY IS STRENGTH, what, then, is DIVERSITY, really?  DIVERSITY IS ADVANTAGE, which doesn't necessarily take the distilled form of demographics; rather, performance diversity. "All Men are created equal" (do I really have to insert here that 'Men' refers to 'huMANity'?); yet, a Man is also the sum of his deeds (again, women too!), meaning outcomes depend on what you do with yourself and your life.  Therefore, Diversity as Advantage is expressed even more in what people can DO in a group, NOT HOW THEY LOOK!!

    In Conclusion, we must Reach Out to groups we need to win through good marketing of our ideals, educating them on why we win in the Arena of Ideas, and engage them in conversations of substance, hopefully, purging them of the Lies from the Left; i.e., we need to carefully convince people to join us, not pander to demographics. It is also more a matter of Marketing the Republican Party properly, without sacrificing substance.  We can look to the future, and REACH OUT to the future, while standing on the RICH HERITAGE of our past as a party.  Getting away from that heritage is how we got into the wilderness in the first place.  Never make that mistake again!

    Paul "Revere" Peterson
    Conservative Patriot
    Internet Columnist

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