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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    by pauldpeterson on Thu Apr 23, 2009 at 10:28:04 AM EST
    What is wrong with our legislative bodies (and possibly our party's offerings), is that they are all lawyers (OK, so all/never are statements born of fallicy, but let's face it, MOST are lawyers). Other than our society generally having a dislike for lawyers as a profession (no offense to the good, conservative lawyers out there, but, hey, the jokes speak for themselves...kidding!), politicians usually play down their profession in favor of their platform. Oft times, this is because they're from rich families, coming from Law School directly into politics, never having had to make it in the private sector (hats off to the lawyers that have).  So where's the Diversity in our legislative bodies?  Must be that close to the entire population of those represented are lawyers, yes?   (Actually, we all know this answer to be NO.)

    We are losing our Constitution in government because lawyers are more interested in telling people what they CAN'T do than empowering them TO DO. Even now, lawyers in government are pridefully rewriting our way of life into their own image, even thinking they can run businesses they know nothing about, and for what? Because they've sold the electorate somehow on the idea that only lawyers can write law? Wrong!  I could rewrite the Tax Code on one page, if not a line or two. Translation into legalese or ensuring a new law doesn't unintentionally conflict with good existing law is what paralegals and staff lawyers are for (including any other legal issues involved).

    Therefore, perhaps we should concentrate on DIVERSITY of SUBSTANCE, PERFORMANCE, PROFESSION within our CONSERVATIVE UNITY in order to produce good laws and Constitutional Governance. After all, the Framers of the Constitution were...

    "Ben Franklin was the only really old man.  Eighteen were under 40; three were in their 20's. Of the 56, almost half - 24 - were judges and lawyers. Eleven were merchants, nine were landowners and farmers, and the remaining 12 were doctors, ministers and politicians."
      -- Excerpt from Atty Rush H. Limbaugh, Jr.'s speech, "Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor"

    Paul "Revere" Peterson
    Conservative Patriot
    Internet Columnist

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