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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    In fairness (none / 0) (#29)
    by chetly on Thu Apr 23, 2009 at 11:13:39 PM EST
    In fairness to Lennox on preferences, the public record is replete with evidence that he against preferences and supported Proposal 2.

    Recruitment is far different than preference, and I support the concept he envisions, although I am fearful the moment he assigned numerical goals that we're going down the road to quotas or preferences.

    Half of politics is showing up, according to the old saw.  It's true.

    I for one have advocated, along with Akindele Akinyemi, and others, that WE SHOW UP IN INNER CITIES.  That we ask minorities, women, and others run.  That we fear nothing in those requests, make NO ASSUMPTIONS, and act surprised when they say "well, I'm a Democrat, or traditionally voted D..."....

    Ask why?  Explain your values and beliefs ... LISTEN to what their values and beliefs are. Honestly. Match those values and beliefs to yours and ours both logically and emotively.

    Here's something the North Oakland Republican Club will do next month.  Members will go to a church in downtown Pontiac and serve food at a charitable event.  No direct politics but the organization names says enough.

    Multiply that by a 1000.

    OUTREACH.  Participation. No special catering or changing of policies or principles to "fit groups".  Stick to your guns - and explain them. Sincerely.

    It will take longer with African American geographic concentrations because there is both a longer history of our neglect and because the social concentration creates a peer pressure barrier where the first inputs will be slow and result in low outputs until you reach a tipping point to break through the social ice and defense layers the Democratic party has built up for years.  We already see though that African American populations that are in "diverse" neighborhoods have more diverse voting patterns and may be easier to reach - the same is true of all ethnicities and women.  Because they are less concentrated the social pressure and their own experience is wider and I can envision quicker turns of the tide within those demographics BUT WE HAVE TO WORK IT.

    "Affirmative action" never really meant "preference" until the left twisted the words. Republicans need to engage in affirmative actions with minorities - nothing numerical and no preference or selling out of values.  Straight truth ... repeated like every other successful message until it reaches through.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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