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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Death of creativity (none / 0) (#10)
    by Michigan Redneck on Thu Apr 09, 2009 at 01:28:51 AM EST
    Wow, looking at those pics of the former Michigan Central Station and comparing it to a possible strip mall makes me sad for this country, state, culture and current generation.  Many thoughts are running through my head on that one.  There seems to have been such a build up of complacency (sp?) within the past 40 years.  But the speed it is going now is even worse.  Up until mid-century America, people were creative and industrious.  And they were rewarded for it.  At some point after World War II people had the attitude of entitlement.  Talking smack about how great America is, yet not doing anything to prove the case.  Now this whole country is a welfare country, or sliding down a slippery slope towards it.  
    Does anyone think that anyone out there would be willing to take the time it took to build such architectural masterpieces as the Michigan Central Station.  It is so easy to design and build those box buildings, or a rectangular mess of little box buildings.  Even I could do that.

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