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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Liberal Echo Chamber (none / 0) (#5)
    by dsheill on Wed Apr 08, 2009 at 01:05:20 PM EST
    It's the job of Eric Barren and Co. to attack train their readers into uniformly hating everyone Republican. But the smoking ban is a perfect example of where there is a potential crack in this liberal echo chamber. On one side you have traditional liberals who take a laissez faire approach to people's lifestyle choices (e.g. gays, pornography, and of course, smoking). On the other side are the "health Nazis" comprised of feminists who believe that porn encourages violence against women and smoking of course hurts the greater community's health. Despite allegations that we don't yet have socialized medicine yet, Medicare often picks up the tab for people who can no longer pay their bills. So naturally, the health Nazis believe we can provide universal access while at the same time cutting costs if we simply ban smoking. Well, heart disease caused by a bad diet has recently surpassed smoking as a #1 killer. So why not ban trans-fats (like many municipalities are currently doing), and mandate people consume better diets? Doesn't this all logically flow from their arguments?

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