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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    voter fraud (none / 0) (#42)
    by goppartyreptile on Sun May 03, 2009 at 10:07:17 AM EST
    I agree with Chet for the most part concerning the actual legislation, but want to point out a trap that we are entering to make ourselves feel good...

    Do we have evidence of voter fraud?  Several weeks ago, Nick put up an article about how many more voters there were in the city of Detroit than actual people in the city of Detroit.

    And, while that is potentially disastrous, do we have any evidence that massive voter fraud is going on?  Or is this a problem across the state, because of bureaucratic inertia and Federal voting laws?

    Or is this a safety blanket for us?

    Yes, loosening voting requirements shows a potential to cause problems, but is there any evidence, you know, of problems?  In this state?

    Are the Democrats bussing over illegal Mexican voters and giving them five bucks, and then telling them at gunpoint who to vote for... like they did to win LBJ's Senate race?

    Are the Democrats going to Chinatown and paying off the guys to vote repeatedly?

    We do ourselves no favor in this state, when every Democrat win is treated as "they stole it!" without evidence.

    Jewish industrialists did not stab the Germans in the back and cause them to lose WWI.

    And fraudulent Democrat voters didn't put the MI GOP in the situation it's in, either.

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