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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Rules of the game make LP a non-starter, I fear (none / 0) (#2)
    by Jack McHughs Blog on Mon May 11, 2009 at 11:13:53 AM EST
    The rules of the game mean that the US will always have just two parties. The chances of the LP displacing one of the two current ones seems infinetssimally small.

    In fact, the LP really an educational outreach institution that uses the form of a political party to carry it's message. The difference between this kind of organization and a real party is spelled out in a classic of political science, E.E. Schattschneider, Party Government, publised in 1942.

    Schattsie explains how parties are an inevitable outgrowth of the organization of caucuses to coordinate concerted action in the very first Congress, which inevitably became just two caucuses, which inevitably expanded their efforts into elections, and inevitably remained just two due to our first-past-the-post single member district system by which we elect Congress and legislatures.

    Schattsie's definition of party is an organization that seeks to gain control of the government and has a plausible chance of doing so. The plausibility generates excitement and support among a wider population, but the organization itself does not include that wider population any more than the Chicago Cubs organization includes all their fans.

    This is not to say that libertarian-oriented people could not take over the GOP. I have long contended that most grass roots social/religious conservatives would be quite satisfied with just being left alone (rather than seeking to impose a "theocracy"), and so there is a natural alliance between them and limited government libertarians. The odd-man out is establishment, 'country club' Repubs who want to use the government for all kinds of economic mischief, from film subsidies to cosmetologist licensure.

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