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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    American industrialism (none / 0) (#7)
    by Eric T on Sun May 24, 2009 at 08:15:03 PM EST
    I think CAFE standards dictating to automakers what their product line will be is not good. What if they are selling a lot of pick-ups, vans, and big smooth riding comfortable cars like Ford Crown Victoria's. It would be like if you had a snack shop, the government says you got sell
    25% burgers
    25% hot dogs
    25% pizza
    25% pretzels
    Let's say you sell out all your hot dogs, nobody wants the other stuff, now what, you got to pay a fine to keep selling the hot dogs? You can't run the operation based on what the people want?

     Maybe it won't be all that bad, some of these new cars get real good gas mileage, The best piece of recent auto news lately was that Ford Wayne plant is going to be building Focus's right here in Michigan.

     I'd let Obama slide on the CAFE standards, because what is coming up soon, is a lot worse, and will destroy what's left of American industry,

    Check this article out.


    A large portion of the U.S. steel industry could be severely hurt under a carbon-emissions cap and trade system, with some companies indicating it could push operations overseas.

    "Cap and trade", could end up, becoming
    "Cap and outsource."

    American companies have a enough to deal with, bad economy, lob sided trade deals that benefit foreign companies, and make it even harder to compete with their lower labor cost. And like always, The American workers will probably get hurt the worst. The Wall St. Ponzi schemers can find a way to make some cash on it. But for the American workers "cap and trade", will mean the unemployment line. cars getting repossessed, homes getting foreclosed on. When you run out of cash, a good chance that, the wife will leave you, you gotta sell Everything you worked for your whole life, and borrow money from everyone, friends and family become your bank. And when you can't repay them, your relationship is ruined.

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