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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    PDs rule (none / 0) (#14)
    by live dangerously on Wed Jun 17, 2009 at 01:37:29 AM EST
    Nick when you are elected at the county convention to be a delegate you are voted on by PDs and elected officials.  Below the newly elected PDs do the electing. If we had another earlier convention before the primary then the old PDs would be voting for the SOS AG and plus we would have to have another county convention to elect you to go to that one. .Below is from the Repub. Party about PDs check out the timeline. things could get screwy.
    County Conventions
    What is a County Convention?
    A County Convention is a meeting of the Precinct Delegates and Elected Officials in
    a County. At these meetings the participants elect individuals to be delegates and
    alternates to the State Convention or they elect people to serve on the County Party
    Executive Committee.
    When do County Conventions take place?
    The first County Convention will be held in August, 2008. This
    Convention will take place soon after the primary when the
    Precinct Delegates are elected. The next County Convention
    will be held within 30 days of the November 4, 2008 General
    election. The third and final County Convention will take place in
    January 2009. In Presidential Election years there is an
    additional county and state convention in the winter or spring of
    the election year to elect delegates to the National Convention.
    What specifically occurs at each of these Conventions?
    August - At the August County Convention the newly elected Precinct Delegates
    meet together to elect delegates and alternates to the State Convention. In 2008, the
    State Convention will be held in February. At this State Convention the delegates will
    elect candidates for the following statewide offices

    Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

    If you don't like inter party fighting then why not take away some of their power and give it to the people and have the primary elect everybody.

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