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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Eligible vs Nonminated (none / 0) (#18)
    by dsheill on Wed Jun 17, 2009 at 11:05:11 AM EST
    Hey, I know nothing about election law. But there is a concept in the legal world that says: "If it walks, talks, and quacks like a duck, then it's still a duck."

    For example, in Michigan you have a lot of small businesses (even after 7 years of Granholm's purges). Many of them try to incorporate, but in all reality, they are really run as one man shows. That is, a corporation has to have a board of directors with real decision making power that meets regularly. Oftentimes, Joe Blow will incorporate a business and make his wife, kids, and the dog members of the board. So when the business defaults, and the creditors come calling, Joe can't absolve himself of personal liabilty if his business was not truly functioning like a corporation as opposed to a one man show.  

    This "eligible" concept walks, talks, and quacks like a nomination. And depending on who has a beef with state party, yes I think they could sue and argue that the concept violates state law. If only one person per office is made "eligible" in May, they are for all intents and purposes being nominated in May as opposed to August.

    Additionally, there will still likely be a couple hundred delegates at the August convention who will show up thinking they're going to nominate AG and SOS before they realize the decision was basically already made for them. The last thing this party needs is more jaded precinct delegates who are convinced they have absolutely no say in the process.

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