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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Oh, Dearest Stevie... (5.00 / 0) (#5)
    by leondrolet on Sat Jun 20, 2009 at 12:16:45 PM EST
    I am saddened to inform you that the numbers I use come from the US Census Bureau (411,000 full-time school, state, and local government employees) and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics which calculates the actual average cost of wages and benefits for all non-federal government employees and for private sector employees by geographic region.

    I suppose a few townships have full-time elected officials, but that is such a tiny amount of the 411,000 total that it confuses me as to why you would focus on township trustees?

    I look forward to criticism of this proposal. But please do not embarrass yourself with such posts. Try reading the proposal again. Focus when reading it (if you can).

    If you dispute the Census Bureau or the federal labor statistics, fine. Maybe these federal agencies are way off?

    Maybe government workers make far less and have fewer bennies than the citizens that pay them? Or maybe, you won't face the reality that the government class is enjoying privileges that the taxpaying serfs couldn't enjoy in their dreams?


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