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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A scheme (none / 0) (#5)
    by Rougman on Fri Jun 26, 2009 at 11:06:10 AM EST
    As the evidence mounts in the scientific community that global climate change is the result of solar activity and ocean currents rather than what we exhale, socialists such as Pelosi and Gore are in a tizzy to bring to fruition this greatest of wealth transferring schemes before a majority of the general public catches on.  A majority of those voting on this bill have not even read it let alone analyzed what its true impact will be.

    Here are some things that they do know.

    They know that the science is far from settled. They know that sun spot activity is the best guide for future temperature. They know that temperatures over the past ten years or so show a cooling trend despite higher carbon levels.  They know that water vapor and methane are far more capable greenhouse gases than is carbon dioxide.  They know that a large number of the weather stations themselves charged with measuring temperatures are not kept in proper isolation and that a number of the coldest measuring stations of the old Soviet Union are completely off line. They know that overall ice levels on the poles are increasing.  They know that the Earth has a long history of heating and cooling.  They know that carbon levels trail temperature increases rather than leading them. They know that todays carbon levels in the atmosphere are far below what they have been during a majority of the Earths existence.  They even know that other planets in the solar system mirrored our warming over the past 50 years despite an absence of the internal combustion engine.  Blah, blah, blah.

    Who cares?  None of this matters to the true believers.  What matters is that the state needs money to dominate the culture and that global climate change (they had to change the term from global warming because it no longer seemed appropriate with the planets temperature actually dropping), the current manufactured crisis, is the perfect alibi to do just that.  

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