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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Why Republican? (none / 0) (#32)
    by Brady on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 10:45:28 AM EST
    Why are you a Republican in the first place?  Why do you need to feel a part of a party that doesn't embrace your centrist values?  I am a pro-gun, pro-Life centrist who supports a regulated market economy rather than European style socialism.  I don't support the tea party, very limited government, English only, no gay marriage, loudly disrupting town halls positions of the right.

    While some of my political views are even what could be described as conservative, I've found the modern Democratic Party far more accomodating of my centrist beliefs than the Republican Party.  If the pendelum swings enough to the left that the liberal wing of the Democratic Party gains enough political control that it feels it doesn't need to accomodate centrists like me, I wouldn't hesitate to switch parties.  At this point in history, the Democratic Party is where the political center is at.

    The major political parties in the United States are not religions with fixed dogmas.  They are coalitions of people with often different interests.  When a majority of members of a political party attempt to establish "core values" as with a religion it erodes the coalition and loses elections.

    The majority thought within today's Republican Party is that the party has lost elections by trying too hard to appeal to the center.  I'm sure the Democratic Party is very happy to have Republicans continue to believe this.

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