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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    That is a good and valid point, RD (none / 0) (#56)
    by maidintheus on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 06:37:30 PM EST
    But please notice that no one is saying 'you're not welcome' to anyone.

    The basic issue is Midland is making a weak suggestion for where and why the Republican Party has had failures and where it needs go to rectify, while ignoring the strong evidence for these being unsuccessful where already implemented.

    This is only important as it pertains to what we've already tried, what has proved to fail miserably already, and recognizing this as the reason why not to repeat regardless of how much some may want it. It's not important as an individual preference.

    Speaking for myself, I (individually) want certain things.  This is fine, others won't mind and may or not even know. It would be unlikely that most would be happy and successful in building a platform around my idiosyncrasies.

    Now, I understand (from what you've said) I am always welcome, regardless.  So it is with Midland and anyone else. Others aren't going to build platforms and political Parties on these individual preferences, much less ones that have been implemented and failed.

    It would seem that the Republican Party wants to maintain it's basic platform of a Conservative stance (as opposed to who is currently calling themselves liberal) with an understanding, promotion, and acceptance of individual freedom and liberty.

    I hope that made sense :)


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