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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sorry? (none / 0) (#30)
    by JGillman on Fri Nov 05, 2010 at 07:14:15 AM EST
    Are you the same guy who laughed at the first Tea Party types who appeared on the steps of the capitol and elsewhere?

    Let me be clear..  Losing has little to do with right or wrong.  Homosexuality is unnatural, no matter how it is framed.  I can lose to a larger vote on this issue while holding on to that principle.


    It IS a personal choice.  So I elect to not pursue gay bashing generally.  But since YOU brought it up, I responded.  The question is really WHOM might be making it an issue here?  You seem to be approaching it in the same way that all of your progressive agendas are advanced, by attempting to jam it down our throats under the guise of individual rights.  Some people swallow it, some will continue to spit it back out, but eventually, you assume everyone will be infected by your poison eventually.

    Then once enough of those people are thoroughly indoctrinated at one level you return with a bigger load for the next.

    I believe the term is relativism.

    My "irrational prejudices" are based on opinion, according to what you have said.  Please objectively analyze that.  Does it really make sense that a person can become a non clear thinker because other opinions change?

    Twisted stuff jack.

    Opinion polls are not a trustworthy indicator of right and wrong.  It is a learned thing.  I prefer to teach the truth.

    However, on business ..we agree.


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