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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I don' t have to "deal with it." (none / 0) (#15)
    by Ed Burley on Wed Dec 08, 2010 at 04:40:46 PM EST
    so, in all of the votes in all of the promises in all of the stuff that comes out each day - the best you can do is find one thing YOU disagree on, and you condemn Paul and his "Paulians" (interesting, that's not how you referred to us before).

    Dare I begin to dissect all of the other GOP congressmen's votes? C'mon CS, you condemn me for my positions, calling me names and making rude comments, yet I'm not even a Republican, not even a libertarian Republican. You, on the other hand, declare yourself a conservative, and the guy who most exemplifies the conservative message (save a couple of issues that you claim are not conservative), and you feel a need to attack him.

    And btw, as I said in the earlier post, this vote was to extend the tax cuts for the Middle class. To vote contrary to it was potentially to vote for a tax hike. You still have not shown me where he voted for "excise tax," but that's okay if he did. We do not have the Fair tax, and Ron has worked tirelessly to get rid of other taxes. Some people support getting revenue through excise taxes, fees, etc. (our former GOP Governor Engler did)...

    I really doubt also that his office "stammered." If so, then they need to be fired. Do I sound like I'm stammering? Perhaps he should hire me...

    Personally, I don't believe that you called the good Doctor's headquarters. Perhaps I should call to follow up. What phone number did you call? I'll call the same, and see if they stammer...


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