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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    J, KG and Scales (none / 0) (#44)
    by grannynanny on Sat Dec 11, 2010 at 09:31:40 PM EST
    Agree with the most recent comments of all three.  Educating the children of the worst dregs in society would indeed help them out of the culture but what do you do with the adults, that are supposedly supposed to be helping them and find that they are ripping them off via sticky fingers in the till and when you get rid of them there are 1000 more waiting in line to keep ripping them off?  There is no end to it.  You are never going to get rid of that culture of corruption because it has existed for so long that no one really bats an eye at it.  Any why should the decent parents, care takers and taxpayers have to double down on every effort to educate these kids when the theivery, deception and culture of entitlement happens every day, at every turn and a majority of residents defend it?  When does one say - enough?  You cannot force
    people to accept help if they don't want it.  It is like the alcholic or drug addict - let them hit rock bottom and perhaps they will see the only way is up.  Are children going suffer - yes.  It is dispicable that adults would allow this but until the supposed "responsible" adults start really caring about the kids instead of lining their own pockets it is the price DPS and the children they are supposed to serve is going to have to pay.

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