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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nosiree (none / 0) (#2)
    by RushLake on Mon Mar 01, 2010 at 06:25:33 PM EST
    Comments and jokes are continually made about the condition of the roads and about the people who allegedly work on the roads in order to not make them crappy. I have lived in this state all of my nearly 62 years and the roads have always been complained about and someone is always advocating spending more tax dollars on the levees....er, uh roads. Year in and year out we pay union "workers" and the contractors who "employ" them to allegedly fix the roads. Year in and year out the contractors contribute to the pockets of the politicians of both parties, year in and year out the damned roads don't get fixed definitively. It has been suggested that road fixers post a bond for their work. Its been done in other places in the world. They guarantee their workmanship and the durability of their roads for a stated period of time, more than one season, or they don't get their bond money back. We also don't ever let a contract to them again. We make it a felony for any politician to accept a bribe...er, uh campaign contribution, junket, etc from anyone connected to the road programs. We expect and demand that the governor designate one experienced person whose job is to visit each works site continually and inspect the work. That person to have the power to fine, fire, kick the ass of any contractor who is not doing his job. That person also to have the authority to demand accountability of each union "employee" allegedly "working" on the project. And, the authority to fire any "worker" who is not "working". No more taxpayers driving by the project and seeing groups of "workers" standing around leaning on brooms and shovels not actually working. That's just plain insulting to the taxpayers and totally unacceptable, and no excuses acceptable. Put those things in place, then come back and justify to the tax payers why they need to pay another frigging dime for the roads.  

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