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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    re: Corithian (none / 0) (#24)
    by William Milligan on Thu Aug 05, 2010 at 06:52:19 PM EST
    Your anger and where you sit on the political spectrum simply aren't sustainable on a national level--save in small pockets of anomalies. Independent voters--who decide every election, simply won't buy into it.

    Today's left is tomorrow's conservative center. Historically this has been proven time and time again. And has been proven and re-proven since the birth of this nation.

    The left hasn't gotten more left (I hardly think Clinton was more left of FDR and LBJ, for example). The Right has realigned its center in response to the constant leftward trek of the country since its inception.

    A classic example is social security. At its birth during the FDR era, conservatives--all of them--howled like rabied wolves. Now? There isn't a conservative who will publicly say "do away with social security" if he or she has any hope of winning an election (the only thing debated is how to fund it). Privately-funded think tanks might talk about privitizing it or doing away it altogether...but no one who aspires to public office beyond local drain commissioner will say it. It ain't happening--thus, the conservative center has been coopted and has been forced (yet again) to move along the road to the left.

    The rallying cry against Obama's health care by the teaparty? "Keep your hands off my medicare"--an angry rebuke of proposed CUTS in medicare (which, if you think about it, those conservatives should have been applauding: the CUTTING of a socialist program). I saw all the stalwarts of conservatism on Fox DEFEND that mantra ("Keep your hands off my medicare"). Even Palin. You don't see any white flag, any bitter irony in any of that?! Hello!

    As I don't want this to escalate into an unpleasant conversation, I'll leave it at that. I've had my say here. Best of luck moving forward.


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