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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mariah Yeater. (none / 0) (#21)
    by KG One on Wed Nov 30, 2011 at 07:27:55 PM EST
    Most of you have probably clicked on this link and have asked yourself: Okay KG, who is Mariah Yeater?

    Mariah Yeater, for those of you who don't follow the teenie-bopper crowd, was the bimbo who was on the celebreality "news" for far too long (and sadly, the only programming the TV is able to receive in driver's rooms...AKA the Sixth Level of Hell), trying to shake down money from singer Justin Bieber in a paternity suit.

    Given that baby-daddy issues are bad for his overall bottom line, he decided to take a paternity test to settle the case once and for all.

    Well, not only did this bimbo drop her paternity suit toot sweet, but even her lawyers ran for the hills after talk of a defamation suit from his lawyers popped up.

    Nary a word is spoken about her anymore.

    So why bring her up.

    I bring her up because of the fact that there are people who want their 15-minutes of fame regardless of the damage they cause by false allegations.

    I also bring this us because people like her make it even more difficult for women who have legitimately encountered/endured sexual harassment
    from ever coming forward.

    So how do I know these charges are not real?

    I'll defer to the source.

    "VAN SUSTEREN: Is there any chance -- and I got to ask you the question -- you know, women always think that their husbands -- I mean, the very public thing with the wives of many years of whom they, you know, love and have a family, that there's another little side of them off to the side what -- where they have some extracurricular activity?

    GLORIA CAIN: No, because his conscience would bother him. His conscience would bother him, and he couldn't look me straight in the eye. And I can usually tell if there's -- is there something wrong? It's, like, Well, I was supposed to go such-and-such a place, or whatever. His Congress bothers him to the point where he would say something to me.

    So yes, I know the type of women that you're thinking about, that the little woman at home is the last to know. But I never see myself as being the little woman at home. And I've always said when I've seen stories like that, I will not be one of those people who will stand up on stage with a smile and knowing that you were wrong. I'm not going to do that.

    So you know not to do anything wrong because you will be there by yourself. So he knows how I feel. I seriously in my soul don't think he's that type person."

    Wives know when their husbands are fooling around.

    If Herman Cain was fooling around with even half the bimbos who have come forward with their accusations, with a wife like Gloria Cain, he would not be married anywhere near as long as he has been.

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