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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mulally's compensation? (none / 0) (#8)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Apr 29, 2011 at 09:03:47 AM EST
    That is what is at issue?  Sorry, but I just can't tread in those waters.  That's UAW Bob King territory and it's the same territory that never looks to others compensation that go far beyond that of a Mulally type.  Where would that be?  Try opening the books on players union contracts.

    J-man, I believe that Mulally is doing his best to get FoMoCo back in line from years of mismanagement by Prince William II's side of the family while directly keeping 164,000 people and their families worldwide gainfully employed, 12,000 Dealerships operational, and God only knows exactly how many pension checks flowing.  As for Mulally sitting at the circus table in DC?  Riiiiiight, just try not being there when Gettelfinger is orchestrating deals with his bought and paid for congresscritters looking out for his goonion brothers and sistas.  Mulally would've been a fool not to be there.

    So yah, Mulally's $56 million compensation is chump change in my world of relevancy when compared to assclowns like A-rod's $33 million, or Kobe's $23 million, or Jeter's $21 million, or Manning's $15 million all just to merely play a child's game.

    But, I also don't begrudge those assclowns playing kid's games in their ability to extract their ridiculous salaries from the easily pacified herd that pays them either.

    Well, perhaps with exception to one particular non-English using $20 million/year assclown in Detroit... "Swig batter batter, swig"


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