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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Yannow, grannynanny (none / 0) (#15)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat May 07, 2011 at 02:43:08 AM EST
    What you wrote pretty much encapsulates my opinion of Palin.  I really don't have much issue with her walking away from her Governorship as I would have as an Alaskan taxpayer picking up the defense expense from a relentless barrage of legal frivolities coming from the DNC and God only knows who's funding them.  I also don't begrudge her earning a living on the boob tube either, and I'd also be willing to bet that Palin's Alaska does more for Alaska than our taxpayer funded Pure Michigan boondoggle could ever dream of.

    I also have a problem with the look down their nose GOPer's playing the game of they'd sooner rub elbows with a Pawlenty or Gingrich than a Bachmann or a Palin because they just aren't really considered statesmanlike enough and a little too brassy by the old gaurd.

    It's kinda like the big deal the Right made about Trump in Vegas tossing about a couple blue words.  I mean even on the Left, Joe Biden said of Trump, "This is a big f#@%ing deal" and the Mayor of Chicago said, "I'm f#@$ing appalled and in the morning Trump is gonna have a dead f#@%ing fish in his mailbox."

    Big rip.  The point being is that Trump used that language in reinforcing exactly how incredibly emasculated the way this nation has become viewed by the rest of the world.  And it is.  Just look at the Paki's in how indignant they are with us popping in and nailing bin Laden while we hand them billions.  I'll tell ya what, I sure wouldn't mind having a Trump telling Zardari, "Listen motherf#@%er, either you're ponying up your horses with the U.S. right now or your monies are gone and your against us.  We already pay you a door fee to take the SOB that you've been harboring just outside of your military school.  Now STFU."

    What do we get instead from the top GOP?  We get a House, and I almost cringe using the word Speaker, that sees the Paki's as less traitorous than NPR.  To me that's UFB.  Maybe Boehhner should also go over there and bow to them too.  And, I can't wait for him to really have to deal with this one too.  Pay up Johnny, you wouldn't want to cost your guys a 2012 election with a shutdown now would you?  Weaklings.  All 179 of them.  Can you believe that?  Raise the debt ceiling another $2 trillion or else?  I had thought that after how Obummercare was rammed down everyone's throats causing the 2011 GOP House Majority that Boehner had figured out that the Dimocrats aren't Danny at Bushwood.

    But ya, I prolly wouldn't recommend Trump doing such things all the time in general, and the hoity-toity wannabes also really need to get over themselves already.  Just remember, these are also the same kind of people that are outraged Trump dropped an f-bomb that don't think twice about throwing money to their sons and daughters for Katie Perry or Black Eyed Peas.

    Bottom line on The Donald.  I'm not so sure he's who I am willing to vote for but I do have to give him props for having enough character and horsepower to get Soros's attention in having his paid for cat's-paw in the Oval Office at least acknowledge he's been screwing the American public over with a piece of paper by releasing whatever that supposed thing is he released called a long COLB.

    It's really amazing to me that all them congresscritters in DC p!ss and moan about Resident Obysmal destroying our economy, but they sure as hell won't lift a finger to look into any documentation that could possibly remove his sorry "Historic" ass from Office.  That'd be my first step and damn the consequences from the important people like, like, like Whoopi on the yenta fest View.

    Ferchrissake, it's only a card that says RAY-CEEESSST on it.  They are everywhere.  They're not that big of a deal deal anymore.  Even prophet muHAMmad is now using the race card for islam.  I must have missed the memo from Eric Holder on when islam became a race.

    But, back to Palin... If I had my way, Palin would be the new Secretary of Energy.

    Drill Baby Drill


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